New to SSD. What are the good for?


Nov 18, 2010
What is a SSD best used for? Games or a Boot Drive?

I mostly game and do video and photo editing?

I run right now 2 300gig Velociraptors in raid 0 for my Games and Boot drive and 2 1 TB hd for any photos and video storage. is it worth going SSD?

IF it is worth it? what is the best bang for its buck under 300$

shit. they are good for everything. it will change the way you operate thats for sure. there isnt anything that they do not do well. period.
get a c300 or intel. your price determines your capacity.
use the raptors for storage of stupid shit that doesnt require speed, like your porn collection and pics of stuff.
everything else on the ssd, os included
Really the question isn't "what is a SSD good for?" but "what isn't a SSD good for?". You should put everything on a SSD that isn't music, movies, documents... things like that. They aren't any help for storage. For everything else they have the Midas touch.
is there any SSD that I should stay away from? is 6gb that much faster then the 3 speeders?
First of all I don't know what this means: "is 6gb that much faster then the 3 speeders".

what is a "speeder"?
Any way, probably at this point any SSD will deliver the same noticeable performance. The ones with a higher sequential write speed will install software faster. Some people recommend Intel drives for better integrity. Others want to burn them at the stake as Intel blinded slaves. No matter what you get it will be great. Just don't buy an OCZ drive second hand as you won't be able to warranty it when it dies like mine did.
3gb or sata II speeders to 6gb sata III speeds? is what I am talking about. I guess its not best to use it as a scratch disk for adobe premier and photo shop.. Just a OS drive mostly?

also I noticed sandforce seems to be a big factor.. I guess anything I buy should be with that.
Here are the SSDs I recommend, least expensive to most expensive:

Intel X25-V 40GB
Crucial C300 64GB
Intel X25-M 80GB
Intel X25-M 120GB
Intel X25-M 160GB
Crucial C300 256GB
is there any SSD that I should stay away from? is 6gb that much faster then the 3 speeders?

oh god no. no sandforce. misleading advertising, bad real life speed, go with C300

This. Real life spead is much slower than advertised on sandforce drives. I have had 3 of them from 2 different makers. One was very slow, much slower than my kingston value drive. I bought a gskill 60gb from newegg, first one would randomly disappear from the bios, so I got a replacement did the same thing on my laptop so I thought maybe my laptop isn't compatible, well the ssd just died in my desktop, will not come up at all.

I vote for intel.
I just managed to get my hands on a x25m 160gb intel for $200 from local craigslist =DDDD i'm soooo happy
SSDs are good for stuff that gets lots of random access.

Mainly you want to get your OS and applications (ideally including games though the sheer size of many modern games makes that a potentially expensive proposition) onto the SSD.

Audio and video are both large in size and usually accessed sequentially so best to keep those on hard drives.

Documents are individually so small that the speed of the media they are on doesn't matter much but tend to build up over time to a large total. Again this makes hard drives a better bet.