New to RAID - Have a question


Limp Gawd
Aug 11, 2004
I recently set up two 150GB Raptors in RAID 0. I'd like to experiment with different stripe sizes. Is it safe to use disk imaging software like Norton Ghost to avoid reinstalling my OS every time or will restoring an image that was created with an array of one stripe size have problems on an array with a new/different stripe size?
dont know about Ghost since im using True Image to clone . I used it to clone images from Raid to single disk and single disk to raid of different size without any problems . So it should work fine for you , just make a backup of your important data on a separate drive before cloning . ;)
Thanks for the response. I ended up buying True Image and creating a complete backup on my external HDD and then creating a BartPE disc with the True Image plugin. Worked like a charm.