New System, no audio!


Feb 2, 2009
Hey guys, sorry for my complete n00b question, but I just put together a new i7 system and my H/K HK695 speakers aren't putting anything out, although they worked fine earlier today on my old P4 system. I've updated all the drivers and tried both the HD audio and AC97 modes in the BIOS, and can't seem to get anything to work. The mixer opens fine and seems to be working, but I've got nothing coming out of the speakers. I'm also 99% sure I have my speakers plugged into the right holes on the rear port, because if I move them I get a message saying my speakers are unplugged. Any suggestions? Sorry if this is a super basic or very frequently asked question, I'm a little new to this stuff.



System specs:
i7 920 OC'd to 3.4 ghz
Asus P6T MoBo
6 gb GSkill 1333 DDR3 RAM
GTX 285
2 WDAAKS hard drives
Lian-Li PC-7b plus II Case
Have you tried plugging the speakers into other sources to check if it's the speakers?

Or plug a different speaker into the mixer to check if it's the mixer?

Or maybe try plugging directly into the computer?
Have you tried plugging the speakers into other sources to check if it's the speakers?

Or plug a different speaker into the mixer to check if it's the mixer?

Or maybe try plugging directly into the computer?

I just now plugged the speakers into the front headphone port of my computer, and they seem to work fine there. It looks like it's the rear panel that's the issue. Is this cause to RMA the MoBo or is there some other fix? I'd love to avoid an RMA because I juuuuuuuust got the system running and that would be very depressing!
oooooooooooook I figured it out, I'm an idiot and foolishly plugged my cables into their correspondingly colored jacks. Once I looked up what jack was what in my Mobo manual, I got it all figured out. Sorry to waste your time and thanks for the help!