New System am3 or i5


Mar 3, 2003
1) What will you be doing with this PC? Gaming? Photoshop? Web browsing?
Gaming, torrents, browsing

2) What's your budget? Are tax and shipping included?
Roughly 700

3) Where do you live?
Greenville SC

4) What exact parts do you need for that budget? CPU, RAM, case, etc. Please be very specific.
Mobo, CPU, ram, hd, OS, sata dvd writer

5) If reusing any parts, what parts will you be reusing? Please be especially specific about the power supply. List make and model.
Xclio Blackhawk Case
Tagan/ABS 800w psu

6) Will you be overclocking?

7) What size monitor do you have and/or plan to have?
19" LCD

8) When do you plan on building/buying the PC?
Thurs or Fri

9) What features do you need in a motherboard? RAID? Firewire? Crossfire or SLI support? etc. I would like to be able to run 2 vid cards at x16 each but realize this is probably out of my price range

10) Do you already have a legit and reusable/transferable OS key/license?

I am building a new system because I am long overdue for an upgrade.
Current System
P4 3.4 ghz w/ hyper threading
250gb hd
256mb ati x600

I have read several 100 i5 vs amd debates and seen the i5 is the better bang for the buck. On the other hand when the 6 core chips drop I would like to take the cheapest route in upgrading which seems to be AMD. Socket 1156 is pretty much a dead platform as is the core 2 duo. So I know the i5 may yield better results in several benchmarks but it seems like in 2 yrs I would have to buy a new mobo and processor(intel) anyways vs just getting a new processor (amd). Does this seem legitimate or am I being retarded?

Please help :D

I am looking for a good mobo that will OC well. Amd seems like it would be an easier task vs i5. So the ? is i5 750 with the gigabyte/asus board OR 955/965 chip with a decent board.

Also with dual channel is their any benefit in running 4 x 2gb or does performance suffer vs the 2 x 2gb ?
I've been going through this very same decision-making process over the last 10 days. I'm replacing a 2.5 year old e6400-based build I had done in early 2007 (which will stay in the family - my wife gets it, she doesn't game:D).

I finally settled on doing an i5 750 build. I have nothing against AMD and have had good success with their products. I went i5 750 because I can see it easily giving me the CPU performance needed for the next few years. Who knows what will be out then? I'm figuring this new one will likely last me 3 years or better. If I need to do a graphics upgrade, I can simply CF in another 5850.

I have been getting a nice bit of help and useful advice on this thread -
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Would it be beneficial to pick up another 2 x 2gb set of ram to run 8gb total and eliminate my pagefile? Or would it just limit my OC potential with no real improvement?
Would it be beneficial to pick up another 2 x 2gb set of ram to run 8gb total and eliminate my pagefile? Or would it just limit my OC potential with no real improvement?

There will always be a pagefile, whether you disable it or not. Windows needs it, and its not like it hinders performance, so no real need to try and eliminate it. What you need to do is get rid of that slow mechanical HDD. :p

Will a RAMDisk make a difference in browsing and gaming? no. Will an SSD? yes, but not much. If all you do is browse and game, then no, more RAM nor an SSD would be worth it, IMO.
So Far I have ordered

$305 i5 750 w/ MSI UD53
$189 Seagate 7200rpm 1 TB / Windows 7 HP 64 bit
$81 G Skill Ripjaws DD3 1600
$30 Sony DVDRW

Not sure what vid card I want yet...whether I will pick up something like a 4670 to tide me over until I get a 5750 or get a 4870.

Also what is the best sub $50 heatsink/fan combo so I can overclock the piss out of this processor. I just had to move the side panel fan to the outside of the case to make sure I got the clearance for the taller heatsinks :cool:
Crappy cellphone pics


started getting some parts in and have run into a ?

Just setup my MSI CD63 mobo and i5-750. Installed a Radeon X600 pci e card trying to go ahead and get system setup until my hd 5850 arrives.

When i turn on computer the speaker beeps 3 times and the monitor never comes on..... is this vid card non compatable>? Or do i have something hooked up wrong :rolleyes:

Got a some more parts on the way
24" LG
another 4gb set of ram
megahelms heatsink
Visiontek HD5850