New Rig, ready to buy/build. Could you guys take a look?


Jun 9, 2007
First off, my current desktop is 5 years old. A dell 8400 with a P4 3.0ghz processor, and 1 gig of ram.

This is what I want to build:

Asus P5K Deluxe
E6600 Clocked up somewhere between 3.0 and 3.6ghz
4x1gb Corsair XMS2 DDR2 800 (4-4-4-12)
Zalman 9700 w/ Arctic Silver 5
Antec 900
Antec True Power Trio 650W
2x Sata II Western Digital 250gb drives
1x Sata I Western Digital 250gb drive (from my old machine)
RAID: (1x Sata II for apps, and the other two drives in Raid 1 for backup/storage/scratch)
Some IDE DVD-ROM (taken from my old machine)
Ati Radeon x1800xt 512mb (taken from my old machine)
Audigy 2 ZS Platinum (from my old machine)

I primarily play blizzard and valve games, but I also draft on Autodesk Inventor, and do audio work with Adobe Audition and the Presonus Firebox. Sometimes I'll even compile a CSS map in Hammer. Drafting is my excuse for the 4 gigs of ram. I guess I want to try Vista 64bit, since XP 64bit is rubbish, and I'd like all the ram addressed. So what do you guys think?
I'm not on a tight budget. Right now this setup comes to a little over 1200 dollars.
Why the RAID0? I would rather have the storage space than a lame 0-5% performance boost. Or better yet, RAID1 the storage drive or make it a 1:1 backup of your storage drive so you have a backup handy.

I would look at other power supplies, but that one seems decent.

You'll still want to use the Audigy 2 over the onboard sound.
Antimatter, I like your suggestion. Would there be any problems having a raid 1 with a Sata I and a Sata II drive? they are both 250gb. And if that works, that'd be great because I'd rather have a Sata II drive running my apps (Although i've read noone seems to notice the difference between Sata I and Sata II, any experience with this?).

In the antec case, the psu is at the bottom, and that antec psu has a fan that points up instead of down. It apparently fits perfect with the case too.
There's probably a jumper on the SATAII drive to set it to SATAI mode in case any compatability problems arise.
brilliant thinking, infact I know there is a jumper for just that. And I don't need that Sata II speed since it is just for backup/storage. And I will still get the performance benefit of using it as a scratch disk for audio/drafting temp. Antimatter, thanks a bunch.