New RAGE Trailer - Jackal Canyon

Good trailer. Bethesda and Id need to step up the marketing if they want Rage to survive the BF3/CODMW3/Skyrim onslaught.
The car handling looks....bad, but everything else looks great. Still my most anticipated release of the year.
This last vid has me excited to play it next week & the 3-day weekend after will help. :D
this video just made me decide to get the game now!
Ehhh... it looks even more like Borderlands without loot than I remember it looking. And Borderlands without loot does not appeal to me.
I wasn't able to stomach watching control pad gameplay past 2 minuets. From what I saw the lighting rendering looks meh.
You know they're in trouble when they need to avoid their own product. :p

I said in the post about Rage surviving - not Bethesda. Id is limited to how much it can advertise since it's not the publisher - Bethesda is. That is why the word "Bethesda" is in the post...maybe I should have used "Zenimax" instead since it has apparently confused a couple of people so much.

Id is reliant to an extent on effective marketing by its publisher for its product to survive in a release window that features some very heavy hitters.
looks great...the textures look amazing...check out the textures on those rocks in the canyon...very difficult to get it looking this good
Vid looked great but I'll wait until a review on the PC is out.
Actually it's the PC version - given away by the "E" button hover when jumping onto the zipline.

The movements looked like a gamepad, so it could be someone playing the PC version with one but the button prompts weren't change. Crytek made some Crysis 2 videos that way.
I'm crossing my fingers that Newegg delivers early, or at least on time.
That video makes me thank god I don't have to play FPS games on a console.
it looked like they were using a controller to me. in fact all their vids show pc prompts but controller looking movement. and I bet this game would be awesome on big tv kicked backed on the couch.

anyway that gameplay looked like fun but I will wait until the game hits 20 bucks...
I just noticed a google ad on a youtube video that read: "RAGE on the Battlefield"...which linked to stuff about Rage. Clever :D.
Impressive video but I just hope they didn't show too much! Richest environment i've seen yet for the game, Megatexture paying dividends here.

The action and shooting look old school, rock solid and the Animations are just very impressive. This is by far id's most polished game and I'm glad they stuck to their shooter roots. I enjoyed Deus Ex but the gameplay was not visceral enough for me.Story driven games these days feel like just that a Story--everything is leaning towards a more passive experience and sometimes it is nice to just sit back and watch but hey isn't that what movies are for!

I'm positively hyped, pre-ordered and my PC is ready for some RAGE!
I just noticed a google ad on a youtube video that read: "RAGE on the Battlefield"...which linked to stuff about Rage. Clever :D.

a few weeks back the TV show 'Breaking Bad' also incorporated the game into their of the main characters was playing the game for a few Software is marketing the game in interesting ways
Graphics are amazing. Gameplay looks decent. I think I'll bite when it drops down to a reasonable price.
Cannot wait for this, especially the co-op missions! Already pre-ordered this. Music sounds great, the overall detail and visual diversity is impressive.

First PC footage I have seen, not bad at all. Hoping my HD5870 can deal with it.
Felt really burned by Id back when I bought Doom 3. This game looks OK, the rock textures are very impressive, but that's about it. Wont be buying any Id titles for a very long time, too much rehashed rehash.
Felt really burned by Id back when I bought Doom 3. This game looks OK, the rock textures are very impressive, but that's about it. Wont be buying any Id titles for a very long time, too much rehashed rehash.

this is the most anti-id game ever developed by the dark monsters in the closet...RAGE is a completely new world for Carmack
this is the most anti-id game ever developed by the dark monsters in the closet...RAGE is a completely new world for Carmack

I agree. I'm not seeing the ultra-dark horror built-in that their previous games brought to the FPS experience. This appears to be way more open ended than any other game they've made. Hell, it provides more options than Borderlands which really shoots that comparison to the ground. I'm honestly seeing a gem in the rough here & I feel it will be very worth my time.
U guys happy with no double barell shotgun?
....well unless you pay for it.
U guys happy with no double barell shotgun?
....well unless you pay for it.

Not really an issue if you preorder it due to the free upgrade to Anarchy Edition. I guess that those who wait until there are reviews & price drops, it may or may not be a loss if people wanted that weapon. Exclusive DLC definitely leaves people out of good content in regards to time well after release or platform preferences.
Not really an issue if you preorder it due to the free upgrade to Anarchy Edition. I guess that those who wait until there are reviews & price drops, it may or may not be a loss if people wanted that weapon. Exclusive DLC definitely leaves people out of good content in regards to time well after release or platform preferences.

Yes, people like me who've been gaming and paying for games for 17yrs are shafted thanks to modern profit maximizing schemes.
how is the driving scheme in this game?

In borderland it was AWFUL