New pc problem.


Dec 19, 2005
I recently bout about 900+ dollars worth of new pc components and such to build me a gaming rig. After receiving everything in the mail, I began my journey to hooking everything up.

First I installed the powersupply. Then I installed the harddrive and the CD/DVD drives in the bays. I went on to install the motherboard after that. Then came the processor chip, thermal paste and then the heatsink. I installed my videocard and the soundcard and memory to finish up.

I powered it on and the tower began to spin its fans and shine blue leds with no beeping whatsoever. The only problem being that the monitor did not come on. It uses a dvi connection and doesn't have an onboard video vga connection.

My setup.

Corsair TX650w Power Supply.
ASUS M4A79T Deluxe mobo.
4 x (2x2gb) sticks of OCZ reaper ram. (ddr3 10333mhz)
AMD Phenom II x3 720 Black Edition.
eVGA geforce 9800gtx superclocked edition.
Sound blaster x-fi xtremegamer soundcard,
Antec 900 gaming case.

Anyone have any ideas of how to fix this?
first unhook everything, your HD, DVD drives, remove your sound card, and leave only one stick of RAM, make sure that your PC speaker is connected properly, also check your vid card power supply cables, the CPU heatsink/fan must be installed, then fire it up. Also remember to check the Clear CMOS jumper, make sure its on the correct position

it should boot, keep us posted

I had the same exact problem as you. I bought components for a new computer 3 weeks ago, and after finishing the build, the fans would start up, I got all the lights, the optical drive functioned normally, but nothing would show up on display. Make sure to check and see that your memory are seated in the right slots (check your motherboard manual). Unfortunately (for me), it turned out that all my parts were fine except for the motherboard. I just sent my mobo to the retailer today and I am hoping that I will get a replacement.
HIt up the stickied "Basic Trouble Shooting guide" and look under the part where it says "If your system doesn't POST" or something similar to that effect.