New Nvidia GeForce6600 - SM 3.0 SLI for $199!

SnakEyez187 said:
Seeing as how I can't buy either companies mid-range card and this link is all I know about both companies cards, I have one question. Could I borrow your magic crystal ball?

Yet another crystal ball post from good ole knew how absurd this comment was when you wrote it...I feel no need to retort
amheck said:
If these new cards are announced this week, how soon before they're on the shelves? Are we talking 1-2 months minimum?

That's probably a safe bet...if they were going to be available sooner nv would have probably said so as part of the initial press release...but then again I didn't read the press release...
I doesn't take a genuis to figure out that 2 6800LEs in SLI will probabley beat a X800Pro. Especially if they're softmod friendly. You don't need a crystal need uncommon sense.
^eMpTy^ said:
Yet another crystal ball post from good ole knew how absurd this comment was when you wrote it...I feel no need to retort

Thanks for the opinion, but i'll still be here waiting on the facts about ATI's mid-range generation and what their 3dmark scores are, since I can't seem to find anything conclusive
SnakEyez187 said:
Thanks for the opinion, but i'll still be here waiting on the facts about ATI's mid-range generation and what their 3dmark scores are, since I can't seem to find anything conclusive

ummm...their mid-range is the 9800XT right? and their low end is the x600...both of which have been benched...what's the mystery?
just curious, i didn't see that 3dmark03 score in the link that you posted. Where did you get that? :confused:

er...found it. I will wait till i see something a little more credible tho. That being said, a couple things don't make sense. First, the 6800 NU is only slightly better than the 9800XT and the 9800XT benches ~6500-7000, yet the 6800 is $300.

So Nvidia is releasing a card @$200 that will kick the crap outta their own $300 card?
Don't make much sense... :confused:

If it's true tho, ATI better get a serious midranger out there (that is, not the 9800XT for $380,) none of this 4000-5000 4 pipeline X600 crap. :mad:
The Batman said:
I doesn't take a genuis to figure out that 2 6800LEs in SLI will probabley beat a X800Pro. Especially if they're softmod friendly. You don't need a crystal need uncommon sense.
Probably? They would crush the X800pro :eek: The LE's aren't too far behind the 6800nu's which keep up with the X800pro pretty well in some games.
This means only one thing ...

More Price Cuts on other cards to come! That's good news for EVERYBODY, regardless of what card you want to buy. We all win!
UltimateMan said:
So Nvidia is releasing a card @$200 that will kick the crap outta their own $300 card?
Don't make much sense... :confused:

If it's true tho, ATI better get a serious midranger out there (that is, not the 9800XT for $380,) none of this 4000-5000 4 pipeline X600 crap. :mad:

I don't think it'll kick the crap out of the 6800, given that the 6800 has 4 more pipes. The cards probably won't be really that different in performance though, since the nv43 will have a higher core clock. It's hard to say, I guess we'll know in 3 more days. It'll probably come down to the 6600 GT being just a tad slower than the 6800.
ATi's low end and midrange cards are in trouble, right now the x300 and x600 are only pci cards I think and they don't perform anywheres near the low end mid range of the gf 6 line actually they are pretty much the same as their 9200's and 9600's.
rancor said:
ATi's low end and midrange cards are in trouble, right now the x300 and x600 are only pci cards I think and they don't perform anywheres near the low end mid range of the gf 6 line actually they are pretty much the same as their 9200's and 9600's.
The PCX-5300 and PCX-5750 (PCI-E versions of the 5200 and 5700) have been available at retail (Fry's) for almost a month now. In OEM systems, the X300s are all over the place.
true but those aren't the cards of the gf 6 line, September is the date for the 6600 quake con. I think they are not going to have any trouble with volumes on these cards. ATi needs something to go up against these.
rancor said:
true but those aren't the cards of the gf 6 line, September is the date for the 6600 quake con. I think they are not going to have any trouble with volumes on these cards. ATi needs something to go up against these.

Umm... Quakecon is in 3 days
are ya sure? lol man this has been along week lol and its just begun. yeah ok they will show it off at quake con.
so a 128MB 128-bit PCI-E x16 6600GT will be as fast as a 256MB 256-bit 6800NU/GT on AGP8X? and for 200$ less?

and one more thing, is anyone sure thats socket 754 will get neforce 4 PCi-E?
There was a lineup comparison posted here sometime today, don't remember where. The bottom line was, ATI is losing out to Nvidia across the whole board, top to bottom, except for the (vaporware) X800 XT PE (and it's pretty neck and neck), and they also beat out the FX 5200 segment (big surprise there). As soon as Nvidia releases their ultra low end FX 5200 replacement (in Q3), I believe ATI will definately have a challenge on their hands, even with all their OEMs. People will start to realize that they aren't getting the best card for the price in their pre-built systems, and vendors will start offering alternatives.
eXzite said:
There was a lineup comparison posted here sometime today, don't remember where.
Hey, I posted that on the first page of this thread! We had slightly different conclusions. :p
I think you guys are jumping the gun on this vaporware. Here are my opinions.

1. 128 bit memory = bad, even in SLI
2. 199.00 each x 2 + unreleased motherboard (300.00)? = 700.00 < 6800 Ultra for 500.00
3. 128 bit memory
4. 128 megs of 128 bit memory
5. 128 bit memory
Dillusion said:
so a 128MB 128-bit PCI-E x16 6600GT will be as fast as a 256MB 256-bit 6800NU/GT on AGP8X? and for 200$ less?

and one more thing, is anyone sure thats socket 754 will get neforce 4 PCi-E?

Nobody is really claiming that. The claim is that the 6600GT will be competitive with the 6800 (plain). Both cards have 128MB memory. What might happen is that Nvidia will yank the higher-cost (to produce) 6800 ($299) and replace it with the 6600 GT, which does retail for $199.

So we'll have this:

nv4? $99
nv43 $199
nv40(plain) $299
nv40(GT) $399
nv40(Ultra) $499
nv40(Ultra Extreme) $549

All 'top to bottom' as Jen Hsun says, of course he stated that there would be 5 different gpu's in Q3, so maybe there will be even more cards interspersed in those prices. Looks like there will be something for everyone though.
Will the 6600/6600GT/6800LE's be only PCI Express?

Dillusion said:
so a 128MB 128-bit PCI-E x16 6600GT will be as fast as a 256MB 256-bit 6800NU/GT on AGP8X? and for 200$ less?
amheck said:
Will the 6600/6600GT/6800LE's be only PCI Express?

Yes they are native PCI-e. There is, however, the HSI bridge, in case you need to plug it into an AGP motherboard until you upgrade. The bride works both ways, to convert from AGP (x16 speeds) to PCI-e.

Oh and I don't know about the 6800 LE
whats the HSI bridge? that chip under the GPU with eh HS on it? i dont see how a large x16 will fit a tiny AGP8x slot. there gonna be allot of naming scheme confusion with 5 chips on 2 formats ... go away AGP!
Dillusion said:
whats the HSI bridge? that chip under the GPU with eh HS on it? i dont see how a large x16 will fit a tiny AGP8x slot. there gonna be allot of naming scheme confusion with 5 chips on 2 formats ... go away AGP!

It's the cheap way to get to PCI-E, until a native solution can be developed.
R1ckCa1n said:
I think you guys are jumping the gun on this vaporware. Here are my opinions.

1. 128 bit memory = bad, even in SLI
2. 199.00 each x 2 + unreleased motherboard (300.00)? = 700.00 < 6800 Ultra for 500.00
3. 128 bit memory
4. 128 megs of 128 bit memory
5. 128 bit memory

this is laughable..

$300 for a motherboard? try $150 for even the newest most badass desktop board...

the point isn't that it's better than an Ultra...the point is it beats the ATi competition at the same price point...and you can later upgrade it to SLI if you want to...that's 2 good reasons to buy nv over ati...and that is the point here...
Dillusion said:
whats the HSI bridge? that chip under the GPU with eh HS on it? i dont see how a large x16 will fit a tiny AGP8x slot. there gonna be allot of naming scheme confusion with 5 chips on 2 formats ... go away AGP!

It's a little card that you plug the graphics card into, and then plug into the mobo. It will fit in an AGP8x slot, but will run at double clockrate, so AGP 16x speeds.

Just to clarify, the same bridge works both ways. PCIe <---> AGP. Pretty cool.
^eMpTy^ said:
this is laughable..

$300 for a motherboard? try $150 for even the newest most badass desktop board...

the point isn't that it's better than an Ultra...the point is it beats the ATi competition at the same price point...and you can later upgrade it to SLI if you want to...that's 2 good reasons to buy nv over ati...and that is the point here...

If you truely believe that I got a bridge (not a PCI-E bridge) I wanna sell you that can do SLI, SM3.0, and VS3.0 ;)

edit: to insert fact instead of the normal FUD spewed by the quoted.

150.00 for a newest most badass board? Hmmm... THIS board is the newest none PCI-E / dual PCI-E board and is floating in at a pricy $219.00 w/o tax or shipping. How much will a dual PCI-E board cost? Less than a 8 x AGP most badass board?
eXzite said:
Since I'm making guesses today, I'll say the budget card will be an NV43 with defective pipelines disabled and slower memory. After the NV31 I fear how badly the card will be gimped. :eek:

What are the 6 cores Jen-Hsun Huang talked about? The known ones are: NV40, NV41M, NV43, NV45, NV48 and ...?
R1ckCa1n said:
It's the cheap way to get to PCI-E, until a native solution can be developed.

cheap has a negative's not the cheap's the sensible gives them a lot more room to adjust to PCI-E market demand...a native solution has already been developed...they just don't want to be making 2 different cores for 2 different chipsets while the transition from pci to pci-e is taking place...
kinda like that seriellel adapter that was out when SATA was a lil bebe? :D
R1ckCa1n said:
If you truely believe that I got a bridge (not a PCI-E bridge) I wanna sell you that can do SLI, SM3.0, and VS3.0 ;)

Do you know VS 3.0 is a part of SM 3.0? How about PS 3.0?
R1ckCa1n said:
If you truely believe that I got a bridge (not a PCI-E bridge) I wanna sell you that can do SLI, SM3.0, and VS3.0 ;)

Is that bridge faster than its ATi competition too?
Dillusion said:
kinda like that seriellel adapter that was out when SATA was a lil bebe? :D

Yeah, in fact that little adapter worked pretty damn well too. In fact it's still in some Raptors.
Dillusion said:
can anyone confirm or know rumors of SLI/PCI-E for Socket 754? :(

Hard to say, I have a pci e socket 754, who's making em, if its Intel, I can drop a few emails.
rancor said:
Hard to say, I have a pci e socket 754, who's making em, if its Intel, I can drop a few emails.

translate that into english bro
rancor said:
Hard to say, I have a pci e socket 754, who's making em, if its Intel, I can drop a few emails.

I would seriously doubt Intel would make chipsets for the Athlon 64. But hey, times are a-changin. ;)

Anyway, to actually answer the question, yes the nForce4 chipset will support Socket 754.
^eMpTy^ said:
Is that bridge faster than its ATi competition too?

Did I once say anything about ATI? Why you always on the defensive?

My point is you guys are jerking off to something yet to be released and don't even know how a 128 meg / 128 bit memory card will work with new games. Much less, when an actual motherboard will be released to support this configuration.

Lets wait and see how this shapes up when it is available via the retail channels instead of selling vaporware today.