New NFS Trailer!!!!!

Wow I'll be 30 in a couple of months and I didn't realize I was an "old timer". But about what's been said about older guys and older NFS games. I'm probably the only person in the world who wasn't a fan of Porsche Unleashed. I enjoyed NFS 3 that I played for awhile at LANs sometimes. The next NFS game I bought was HP2 and I enjoyed that. After playing HP2, well you know that PU is quite a different game. I was just used to the way the driving was in Hp2 so i wasn't excited about PU although I did play it quite a bit also at LANs (I think). In most of the NFS series, there has been a lack of close finishes. Usually, there were tracks that people drove on, but didn't have memorized real well so typically if you had 6 racers in the game, the finish times would be quite well spread out. 2nd place might be 2 or 3 seconds behind first. This was the norm in my experience. I got kinda bored with it when compared to NFS Underground. In NFS Underground, better players had all the tracks memorized and could hit all the marks on the course to have a great time. For example, you might lose a race if you simply clipped a street sign somewhere on the track. Now that to me is intense racing. Neck and neck the whole way. This type of racing was rare on anything before NFS Underground in my online gaming experience. Some people might consider this brand of memorized tracks to be boring. It can be...
Reminds me a bit of Burnout Revenge on the 360 where the top 50 or so in rank will only play the same track over and over again for 1 lap and they kick you out of the game if you ever beat them. Now THAT's boring. Other than the part of trying to beat this guy who considers himself to be the best in the world at the track.
Now there's another problem with the type of racing I've described in Underground. The net code sucks ass. Sometimes you will drive into a corner behind someone and their car suddenly just stops and you crash full speed into it...oh but they just drive off and I'm sitting there wrecked and they're like "dude what happened" and I'm like "dude you lag and I hit your junk and I wrecked and you won...hoorah". And they're like "no you didn't hit me". :p
I think they fixed this in Carbon. Maybe most wanted...i forget which one. But you can turn off collisions. Brilliant. Just about every other racing game ever made came up with the idea first. But brilliant.
I also noticed certain tricks in different NFS games. In HP2, for example I was much better off using a stick shift. In Underground, my times were always slightly better with the automatic.
lol:p You're ^^ ancient by the the apparent average age in the gaming forum. (I'm 33 btw) I think most of us here were judging the various NFS games by the single player experience first and foremost. Online wasn't really an option for the earlier games and imo wasn't the focal point of the later ones. My feelings (and many agree) are that even though Hot Pursuit, Underground, MW and others were tons of fun....Porsche Unleashed had the deepest and most satisfying single player experience.
damn 30, lol. anywats, not too excited about this, EA game afterall and the last few games haven't been that great either. I've grown tired of rehashes but i guess theres still a demand, all the teenage ricer kids i think.
NFS Porsche Unleash FTW!!!! :D

I liked it because it not too hardcore sim like GTR or too arcadey, just the right balance.

yes the quality of that game, the amount of details, directional lights anyone ?, makes that one of the best, if not the best, NFS game.
I want to see an 'uber' police chaser style game mode in the next NFS. Like if a cop sees you drive on the wrong side of the bloody road he doesn't just keep going. Not stopping for a trafic light gets you in a chase etc...

The kids want a street racing sim, I say we give it to them. Body kits slow down your car, lowering too much bottoms out on flat roads and slows you down/does damage, launching under N2O for 30 seconds blows the motor, people just shoot you in the head for painting your charger pink and putting on a bodykit.

Y'know... real world stuff. ;)
The kids want a street racing sim, I say we give it to them. Body kits slow down your car, lowering too much bottoms out on flat roads and slows you down/does damage, launching under N2O for 30 seconds blows the motor, people just shoot you in the head for painting your charger pink and putting on a bodykit.

Y'know... real world stuff. ;)
That just made my day. Thank you for that :)
I want to see an 'uber' police chaser style game mode in the next NFS. Like if a cop sees you drive on the wrong side of the bloody road he doesn't just keep going. Not stopping for a trafic light gets you in a chase etc...

Have you played any of the recent NFS games at all? If a cop sees you from a quarter mile, he's on your ass. It doesn't matter if you're parked at a Wendy's.
I remember one time I actually drove at the speed limit in NFS3 to see what would happen.

It didn't work, but the radio chatter was pretty hilarious (It looks like they're racing!/we've got a white Countach doing 45!).
The sad thing is that many of us oldtimers (25+) will also buy the latest NFS game just because it's NFS. Makes the situation even worse and unlikely to ever change.:(

I almost always buy the new ones too... Underground and MW were the last ones I bought, though. So I am starting to get away from that, some.
in a bit of a nostalgic moment, i re-installed NFS:pU last night...i have a 50, a 51, a 52, a 53, and a 56 356's...I created a game profile in the nVidia Control panel, turned everything all the way the hell up there, and in game, running at [email protected]l have yet to bench it in FRAPS!
At 27, I'm not too far behind y'all. Old enough to remember the NFS glory days.

27 here, as well. Here's hoping for NFS: Ferrari versus Lamborghini Challenge (or something like that). They could run with that for a while...Import v Domestic, Euro racers v Japanese...something. Rice rocket v everything is getting boring.
I'm 24 and the first NFS game I played more than a demo of was Most Wanted. Most Wanted stole me away from the Burnout series, which I still quite enjoy.
The kids want a street racing sim, I say we give it to them. Body kits slow down your car, lowering too much bottoms out on flat roads and slows you down/does damage,
Y'know... real world stuff. ;)

That would be great. Chunks of the fiberglass front and rear bumper coming off on the road when you go over bumps or barely hit another car.
Then the game makes you pay repair costs every time you drive the car even if it's just around the block. You know...from "stress fractures" of the fiberglass moldings.
Or how about not having the the right kind of hood pins or a latch on the carbon fiber hood and having it fly off when you get to about 80mph.
Wait wait I'm not done..
Or how about the underbody lights getting shattered every time you hit a bump going more than 35 mph.

I literally saw a guy at the Wal-Mart parking lot at night with nice pretty green neon light under his !!!! MUSTANG !!!! and he slowly tried to roll over a speed bump. When his front tires hit the flat road again, the lights shattered all over underneath the car. Freakin' hilarious. He was probably going to Wal-Mart to buy some of those blinking LED valve stem caps so he could be even more Ub3rl33t....
Alright, look, I strongly oppose EA's business habits. Probably more than your average EA basher. I agree that they recycle a lot of stuff and re-release shit games, year after year. Especially sports titles. NFS is not one of them. The NFS development has talent. If you think Most Wanted was a shit game, you're in the minority. Most Wanted is a lot of peoples', including my own, favorite arcade racer.

Carbon, while not as good as Most Wanted overall, is my favorite racer to jump in and play for 20 minutes and stop. I love the handling on the Corvette Z06. To me, it is pure gaming bliss to actively seek out the cops in Carbon and to see how long I can stay on the run from them. Also, the Pursuit Knockout multiplayer mode is some of the best fun to be had online. Carbon has its place.

People are entitled to their opinions, but the NFS series is not a series that you see scoring low in reviews, and for good reason. One thing I'll definately agree with, is that they need to drop the Fast and the Furious shit. I don't go for drifting nonsense. I like the gameplay.
Before switching to Vista I did the exact same thing. I leveled up a little bit and then went after the cops. I would play 20-30 min at a time. I loved that I didn't have to endure long ass races full of meticulous driving. Don't get me wrong I get into the sim thing too but I'm too busy for that these days. I can't wait to see this new one with damage modeling. I've been waiting for that for a long time.

I miss Porsche Unleased btw. I had issues getting it to run properly under XP and Vista. I haven't tried since going back to Nvidia. Too bad I can't find my disk to give it a shot. Oh well.
If the game is not capable of having honest race without dumb rubberbanding AI, then they can all go to hell. When I discovered that NFS:MW was incapable of having an unassisted race (regardless of what settings you use,) I stopped caring whether I won or lost a race, because the AI was always in 100% control over how good or poor your results are.
This series has been just like the madden series. they add a few new features, give it a new title and ask for 50 bucks.

f ea
So is this game coming out in a week?

NO i think they will release a more in depth trailer or pics or somthing to explain the game or what its about... kinda like the GTA4 Trailer count down
i guess i'll jump in. ever since they released underground, the series has gotten very dull. it's a terrific marketing strategy, but anybody who knows anything about the automotive industry would laugh at the game now.

this is what is used to be. a TRUE arcade racing game. just listen to the music and the action. it's intense!:

and this one, in my opinion, was the best need for speed created. only for the ps2 though. a separate team worked on the ps2 version, and it was much better: (ok, this one is the intro. but look at what the game was trying to be)

i'd like to hear a response from somebody who disagrees with me. what makes you think that underground/carbon crap is better??
i'd like to hear a response from somebody who disagrees with me. what makes you think that underground/carbon crap is better??

I won't argue that the underground/carbon crap is better, but I will argue that Porsche Unleashed is a better game than either of the Hot Pursuit games.
But EA still makes money off the game since its a well known game. As long as people still buy them, EA is still going to make them, not caring what the quality of the game is like.

I mean its taking less then a year to design these games and spitting them out to the public, and EA still thinks its a quality game :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

My thoughts exactly. Most Wanted was pretty good. The timeframe from Underground 2 to Most Wanted was big. The time frame between Most Wanted and Carbon, not big at all. At least it didn't seem very large and I was in shock really that they spit it out that fast. I had just figured it had to be like Most Wanted with a few new features or worse. When I saw that it came out with drifting -the current rice rocket trend- I threw up in my mouth a little. They are milking the series and it's pissing me off. I didn't buy either two Undergrounds because they looked just really fucking stupid and I got that same feeling with Carbon.

A buddy of mine said Carbon was the best NFS series he had played yet. He played it for about 2 days and never played it again. I think that was the second NFS game he had played too, sad.
My thoughts exactly. Most Wanted was pretty good. The timeframe from Underground 2 to Most Wanted was big. The time frame between Most Wanted and Carbon, not big at all. At least it didn't seem very large and I was in shock really that they spit it out that fast. I had just figured it had to be like Most Wanted with a few new features or worse. When I saw that it came out with drifting -the current rice rocket trend- I threw up in my mouth a little. They are milking the series and it's pissing me off. I didn't buy either two Undergrounds because they looked just really fucking stupid and I got that same feeling with Carbon.

A buddy of mine said Carbon was the best NFS series he had played yet. He played it for about 2 days and never played it again. I think that was the second NFS game he had played too, sad.
After I rushed to buy Carbon it didn't surprise me that they spit it out so addition to the pc version being broken from the start (no widescreen support, SLI performance issues etc..) it was also the shortest NFS game in recent memory. This makes me very wary of this newest game which will undoubtedly release this fall in time for the holiday rush.
yay. another reason for me to give EA $80
I may be overly cynical, but I'm really expecting this latest NFS to be half-assed and unfinished...with a ton of DLC (for points) shortly after release. Developers are finally realizing they can release console games like they do pc (unfinished and patch/add content later) and I fully expect EA to lead the charge with trying to make additional money after the original purchase.:rolleyes:
half life 2 episode 2 anyone? or how about a little Test Drive Unlimited?
TDU left me very sad about the missed potential....good car models and fantastic mapping of an entire island ruined by poor physics and shallow gameplay/spotty online.:(
TDU left me very sad about the missed potential....good car models and fantastic mapping of an entire island ruined by poor physics and shallow gameplay/spotty online.:(
I had high hopes for TDU. I participated in the Beta and was immediately let down. I could not force myself to play that game. As pretty as it was, the driving sucked. The physics were just too wrong. The overall game performance could have been better too.
Ah, Need For Speed. I actually liked High Stakes (#4) the best, but Porche had it's moments. The problem was that you needed insane hardware to run it well at the time. That and the game actually IS slow until you finally get some modern cars.
Hot Pursuit 1 and 2 were akin to High Stakes, but I liked the High Stakes races more.
Underground 1 I enjoyed. #2 was pretty "blah."
Most Wanted was a blast, but I got tired of everything looking like dusk 24/7.
The less said about Carbon the better.
Need for Speed XI (TBA)
A screenshot from the official teaser trailer
A screenshot from the official teaser trailer

Main article: Need for Speed XI

Need for Speed XI (unofficial title) is the latest upcoming title in the Need for Speed series. Recently EA published a teaser trailer of the next Need for Speed, in which the date 31 May 2007 is mentioned, suggesting that more information will be released at that date.[2] On May 25, 2007, the magazine PLAY printed an article about the upcoming game, calling it Need for Speed: Pro Street, and one of the screenshots included in the article shows a license plate on one of the cars that read "PROSTREET".[3]

Key features of the game, suggested by early rumours and confirmed by the teaser trailer, include very advanced graphics, realistic damage modelling and more realistic racing, instead of the arcade-like racing of previous titles.[2][4][5]

looks like the series will still suck.
Key features of the game, suggested by early rumours and confirmed by the teaser trailer, include very advanced graphics, realistic damage modelling and more realistic racing, instead of the arcade-like racing of previous titles.[2][4][5]

so this is like the Gran trismo of NFS, and on top of that its PRO Street, this franchise needs to die quick or get better before EA loses all there money
just got Porsche working again. It's not as good as I remembered it. Maybe I'm spoiled by the physics of GTR and GTR2 now, but I found the cars very hard to drive because they didn't behave like they should in real life, while at the same time they didn't have the arcade racer feel. Kinda trapped in a no-man's land between the two.
i loath EA.
After what they did with NHL 07....Fuck, I wish STDs on them.
Common, ported a game, but not the controls. No fight or stratagy keys for PC....its listed in the game to press...but never made to work for OC...even with the 1 update, still never fixed and wont fix the controls. thats sad.