New mother board installation..


Sep 14, 2005
I recently upgraded my motherboard from some POS Dell gave me to a AMD 3200+ Asus board. After putting the same HDD and CD-Rom's in I put the new board in and hooked up all the wires. When I finally went to boot up It says windows was not shut down successfully choose an option. Safemode , Safe mode with networking, Safe mode with command prompt or start normally. None of these options work. I get a BSOD saying to reboot and if problem persists there is a virus or hard drive failure. :mad: Someone help!!
This may sound like a stupid question, but did you reformatt your HDD after upgrading your board and processor and do a fresh install of Windows?
Do a repair install. It will allow you to get into Windows with new hardware and allow you to keep your files/programs.
One of the options is "repair" Windows installation. You need to boot off of your WinXP CD though in order for it to work. When it searches for previous versions of Windows, you can select repair the one it finds.