'new' monitor for 'old' man.... ;)


[H]F Junkie
Aug 17, 2000
I have an older guy(I was good friends with his son years ago) that came to me and asked me about monitors... he says he currently has a 19" "SQUARE" monitor and purchased a 24" "WIDE" monitor at Staples on BF. He says he doesn't like it because it's actually 'shorter' than his 19". He measured it and said it's almost an inch shorter than his current monitor. So he took it back. Now he is wanting to know what he can get in the $300.00 range that would be just as "tall" as his current monitor(at 12" viewable). Is he going to have to go 26" or 28"?? I am assuming yes... if so... recommendations?

Wonder if he would have been fine with the 24" if could have rotated into portrait mode.
Are you sure he measured correctly:

5:4 19"
y^2 + ((5/4)^2 * y^2) = 19^2
y = 11.87"
x = 1.25 * 11.87 = 14.84"

16:9 24"
y^2 + ((16/9)^2 * y^2) = 24^2
y = 11.77"
x = (16/9) * 11.77 = 20.92"

He would lose an almost imperceptible 0.1" off his vertical viewing. That is assuming the extremes of 5:4 and 16:9. If it is a 16:10 then he gains 0.85" to make it 12.72" vertical height.
Specifications are often exaggerated. Maybe the 24" monitor has a greatlier-exaggerated viewable size than the 19". Or maybe this guy was including the bezel in his measurement? (I don't think greatlier is a word, but darn it, it should be! It was a toss-up between that and greaterly, which apparently isn't a word either.)
give the Dell 2709w a shot. It is a great monitor and the added text size is a plus.
Perhaps he included the bezel in his measurements?

Edit: Bah, didnt see MetaGenie's post
If he has trouble viewing, he should up the DPI in the control center.