New Lian Li XB01 Case for the Xbox 360

yea its cool, but i don't think i'll bite until my warranty is officially over
hmm. My damn Elite is loud as shit. I might be willing to go for this if its not too crazy expensive.
waiting on price and availability, that looks awesome
Neat. Too bad it didn't have 2 disc drive doors so folks could integrate their HD-DVD drive into it as well, or at least give us options.
i don't understand why people think that looks better than the original's just a huge and clunky piece of metal
i agree... i like the original case ALOT better than this thing. I like the idea of a new case, but thats just an ugly tower to me. am i missing something?
I could care less how it looks I just want to shut it up. The 360 is so loud it's not even funny.

My plan, get that case, wrap the DVD drive in acoustic foam and install a low RPM high CFM fan and call it a day.
I'd go function over looks at this point...maybe the 360 will actually last longer and have less issues if it were put in a case that allowed it to run much, much cooler...and quieter to boot. Plus, no more plastic! I hate plastic on cases.
I posted here a few weeks ago about this Case & was looking forward to it's release ...however, the original mentioned price was $80.00 I've read that it will be approx. $160.00.

I think that's waaaaaaay too much ...for a Xbox 360 replacement Case !
what's with the red?

and yeah, I wouldn't pay over 100$ for a replacement case, that's ridiculous.
Neat. Too bad it didn't have 2 disc drive doors so folks could integrate their HD-DVD drive into it as well, or at least give us options.

Genius. Simply genius. As is the internal watercooling ability. The price point though is HORRIBLE.
It really is kinda ugly. I like all the Lian Li PC cases but this thing... what are you trying to do with it?

If its for better thermal/noise, go hack something together yourself. You dont have to be that experienced to come up with something better than this IMO.
Neat. Too bad it didn't have 2 disc drive doors so folks could integrate their HD-DVD drive into it as well, or at least give us options.

wow, there's a good idea they totally forgot about :p
ok, so when do we get the lian-wii case?
I posted here a few weeks ago about this Case & was looking forward to it's release ...however, the original mentioned price was $80.00 I've read that it will be approx. $160.00.

I think that's waaaaaaay too much ...for a Xbox 360 replacement Case !

Is there confirmation on this? I would consider picking one up if they were $70-$80, since I have an older (8/06) 360 that would benefit from the added cooling, but if this thing winds up being $125+... there's no way in Hell I would pay that for a 360 case. The Arcade is being reduced to $199, why would I buy a case that's 3/4 the cost of a new system and voids my warranty to boot?
on the Lian Li page it says "end of August 2008". Don't know exactly what they mean by that but hopefully its a launch date and the case isn't crazy expensive.
lian-li has been quality since day one, but their recent run of cases and now this make me think they are about to (or have) jumped the shark.
this case is way wider then it needs to be. so much wasted space and they dont use that space to mount the powerbrick inside or add a second drive bay for the hd dvd addon. i also dont like the door for the usb ports. just looks bad. they should of had 2 little holes in the front for the 2 ports like on some of lian li cases.
A side from the fact I don't like the xbox - that case is ugly. Also, I don't like the xbox. :p
That case looks alright, but i dont find it looks appealing. But everyone has their own taste :p
I could care less how it looks I just want to shut it up. The 360 is so loud it's not even funny.

My plan, get that case, wrap the DVD drive in acoustic foam and install a low RPM high CFM fan and call it a day.

There are sound insulation foam sheet around the DVD drive to reduce the noise.

i would wait on this until LL gets the idea the brick, as said above, could be mounted inside with all that room... (perhaps all the cabling , being so long, is the issue?) and add a 2nd spot for the HD drive for those that own it.

Perhaps a v2 will be out in a while with these fixes i am sure,
i might get one if its $80 or less. currently have my 360 apart and 2 90mm fans on it and it still overheats
No I don't own a xbox, but this case could be modded for serious external storage. I'm in need for more storage for HTPC. All the storage solutions I've been looking for is just to small, 5 drives is not enough with raid. I think this would fit nicely in the living room. We shall see..
Sucks. $150 MSRP. And we all know how often Lian Li shit goes on sale. For $50 more you can get a brand new arcade version once the price drops hits.
I use Lian Li cases and like them a lot but their aesthetics are really not very good lately.