New Laptop


Dec 20, 2013
Hi guys,

I am interested in buying a new laptop which will be basically for web browsing, movies and casual gaming. I am not demanding my laptop to play the latest games in ultra graphics of course but I would like to play them even by getting the graphics and resolution lower. My budget is at around 500-600 euros (700-800$). What do you thing about these? Any other suggestions are very welcome.
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Specs-wise, the Lenovo G510 is the best of the bunch and the one most likely capable of "casual" gaming.

But which games do you want to play? Are you willing to live without a 1080p resolution? Is the 600-euro limit a hard limit?
Games like Far Cry, Call of Duty, Battlefield, Splinter Cell, Arkham City,Rome Total War etc. I don't mind playing these games in 720p and lowering the graphics details but I don't want to go under 25-30 fps. I may spend another 100 euros if a laptop really deserves it. The thing is that I am not really experienced in laptops especially when it comes to their graphics cards. How good is the 'AMD Mars XT8750 (2GB)'? What is the equivalent graphics card for a PC?

Thanks for your reply
Im also after a similar laptop and am wondering what specs I should be looking for. I don't mind if it's a refurb either. If it can play a game like Rome Total War (the 1st one, not the 2nd) then it will definitely do all the other stuff I want. Like watching movies, streaming vids, Youtube, internet browsing, etc.