New Laptop - Advice?


Sep 13, 2006
I just got a new laptop and I'll be leaving work here soon to work on it. What do you consider mandatory to do to have it running smooth?

First on my list is to check for bloatware and if there is much to just wipe it clean. (I got a F3 seies Asus, I've heard asus isn't too bad about it) After that i'm going to do a little benchmarking. I've also ordered a gig of ram to up it to 2GB for vista, which I hear is pretty demanding.

As a first time notebook user, and a first time vista user, what else should I consider?
Check the manual for if you need to charge/discharge the battery. Some notebooks have you do a cycle of that to get a baseline for the power monitoring system.

Other than that - what you stated sounds good. The Missing Manual for Vista is a good intro book. I haven't used the Vista one, but have used them for other OSs and was very impressed.
Can you give us the other specs too? Also what version of Vista will you be running? What sort of usage is this for? Any games?

Laptops are great. I know people complain about power and customizibility but they're quickly catching up.
I got it, upgraded my ram, and everything runs and looks beautiful. I may invest in one of those thermaltake heat pads or whatever they are called, the soft ones. Anyone have any luck with those? i think they're called iSoft or something.
Get a mouse. Get a good notebook laser mouse, like the logitech VX Revolution or the mocrosoft one. The touchpad just isn't worth it on any laptop I've ever used.