New Ipod? Time to try something new?


Feb 20, 2005
I just broke my ipod nano and I am trying to decide how to replace it.
Should I buy another ipod? maybe a new nano?

I also sold my PSP, so I am looking for a way to watch movies, so maybe a video for me?

I have heard alot about better alternatives to ipods, so I was wondering what you guys would reccomend.
I would either want something 4gigs or greater and small like a nano or something >30gigs and have video capability.

What have you heard good things about? What do they offer that the ipod doesnt"?

Thanks for your help guys!
I got a Microsoft Zune and I love it. 30gb of space, nice screen, reasonably priced.
Also, has a FM tuner...
Go buy some other player then got back to ipods like everybody else does (including myself). I have owned quite a few mp3 players and I constantly go back to the ipod. The zune is getting very very very bad reviews too. Just stick with apple and go with a video.
My vote is for the zen vision:m. Cheap, 30gb, great screen, and all you need to use it wmp 11.
How is the Zune Battery life?
Video Compatability?
Waht software does it require?

Also, how is the creative zen vision w?
Same questions, battery life, video compatability, software?
AC!D-RXN said:
How is the Zune Battery life?
Video Compatability?
Waht software does it require?

Also, how is the creative zen vision w?
Same questions, battery life, video compatability, software?

Not to be a pain, but a simple minute or two with Google will reveal the info you need.



Personally I'd just go for the iPod... any other player will just compromise. I'm speaking as a iPod owner who really doesnt want to like it or own it, but found it to be the strongest player all around.
dohcmark8 said:
Not to be a pain, but a simple minute or two with Google will reveal the info you need.



Personally I'd just go for the iPod... any other player will just compromise. I'm speaking as a iPod owner who really doesnt want to like it or own it, but found it to be the strongest player all around.

I don't really see what the iPod has over the Zen except the 'cool' factor. Maybe the Zune, but not the Zen.
Zune has everything the iPod does. It certainly plays videos horizontally and the quality is great imo. The sound is also above "average" quality and the FM tuner is an added bonus. Is it heavy? NO, imo. Software? I am having no syncing problems with the Zune and it has not crashed once on me yet.

Battery Life: Uh..have not experimented enough yet to find out...but should be no wrose than the iPod
I don't see what's "bad" about it...
it kind of depents. i have the ipod video, and love it. i personally look for the size of the mp3/video player. i think the zune is too bulky. personal preference though. i like my ipod.

one other thing you may want to consider is the videos that you are putting on it. i dont know what format the zune plays but the ipod only plays mp4 files for video. i couldnt find a decent free converter for the .avi files that i had downloaded so i bought the Cucusoft ipod converter suite for $40. kind of sucked.

the ipod has itunes/ease of use also.

hopefully this was useful.
If only the Zune was a tad smaller, I'd be all over it.

Oh, the ability to play NON WMV movies would be nice too.

Eh, i'm sticking out for the next gen iPod I think... should be cool.
I have several iPods, a Zen, a Gigabeat and a Zune, so I think I can add something here.

First, I've had no problems with the Zune and I've not wanted to do anything I couldn't. Out of all the players I have, I like it for video best and my ATI video card came with a free converter that works great for the Zune (and other players as well).

However, the conversion for the Zune is lightening fast:

I don't know if it's the videos I've been converting or what but the Zune always plays my videos the largest possible in the semi-wide format whereas all the videos I've made for the iPod always play black-bared. Admittedly this could be my lack of time invested in the conversion process but still, Zune has been drop dead easy for displaying video the best.

However, I want to be able to use my player as a "jukebox" type for my car and I've tried the FM transmitter dealio and it ain't cutting it. There just isn't enough asseccories available for the Zune yet so I'm going to use the iPod for what it does best, music playback and the Zune for what it does best, video playback.

All in all though, I'd have to give the iPod the nod right now.

In fact, as a developer, I'm _very_ disturbed that the iPod and it's interface and funtions are more programmable than the Zune at this point. At least as far as I know.

MS needs to blow it open with easy programmability for the Zune but I'm afraid they're going the opposite direction (the direction the music industry wants them to).

Well, that's my opinions at least.

Luck with your decision.

EDIT: Oh, and the others, unless they do everything you want/need them to out of the box, they just aren't real contenders right now. I really like the Gigabeat but there just isn't going to be enough options on anything other than the iPod or Zune right now, at least for my needs/wants.
Arcygenical said:
If only the Zune was a tad smaller, I'd be all over it.

Oh, the ability to play NON WMV movies would be nice too.

Eh, i'm sticking out for the next gen iPod I think... should be cool.
Astrogiblet said:
Why would you even CONSIDER a Zune?

Being called Microsofts biggest failure. Biggest tech failure since Microsoft Bob.

I even heard it called "Like Microsoft Bob but more embarrassing."

Horrible reviews, horrible product. Why would ANYBODY buy one.
That site does not have much information and is 100% pointless. However, I would agree with WarlordB review of the Zune...
{NcsO}ReichstaG said:
That site does not have much information and is 100% pointless. However, I would agree with WarlordB review of the Zune...

agreed, the only one who isn't blatantly flaming the Zune, and who can honestly compare the two devices hand in hand. what the hell is a microsoft bob anyway?
Astrogiblet said:
Why would you even CONSIDER a Zune?

Being called Microsofts biggest failure. Biggest tech failure since Microsoft Bob.

I even heard it called "Like Microsoft Bob but more embarrassing."

Horrible reviews, horrible product. Why would ANYBODY buy one.

Let me see, "everyone" hates it so I should just join the crowd and hate it too?

This is HardOCP, not "MainstreamOnly", you're liable to find some people here who like to find things out for themselves.

Frankly, as my mini-review indicates, I don't think MS met the challange this revision. However, I'm glad someone with real backing is trying to compete with the iPod. That's going to lead to either a better product or a better iPod, or both. :)

I don't think I gave the Zune a glowing review or anything and I even said I think the iPod wins this round. However, the Zune isn't an utter pile of trash either. Combined with the free video converter "Avivo" that comes with all 1xxx series ATI based cards, the Zune is a LOT better video player than any of my iPods.

Also, one thing to note, all my music / videos that I have been syncing to my Zune and iPod are all non-DRM (i.e. MP3's, AVI's, MPG's, etc.). Most of music is high quality 320kbps CBR rips from the CD's but they are still MP3's. I don't buy much, if any, music online (at least not from iTunes or MS Marketplace).

However, I did buy a least 1 song and 1 music video from both places to get a sense of the process.

/me tips hat in direction of board2death and ReichstaG's
WarlordBB said:
Let me see, "everyone" hates it so I should just join the crowd and hate it too?

This is HardOCP, not "MainstreamOnly", you're liable to find some people here who like to find things out for themselves.

This made me laugh.

So, your telling me that this thing that has gotten horrible reviews, horrible ratings, horrible comments from buyers.. You should still buy it because your not going with the crowd.

Astrogiblet said:
This made me laugh.

So, your telling me that this thing that has gotten horrible reviews, horrible ratings, horrible comments from buyers.. You should still buy it because your not going with the crowd.


Just where in my posts did you come up with the idea that I bought this to go against the crowd?

I purchased one BEFORE anyone had reviewed or posted or commented about it. I'd venture to say that I got one of the very first ones sold in my general area...

Because that's what I do!

I buy the latest tech because I want to and because I can afford to.

The first reviews of Blu Ray movies suggested it sucked so hard that everyone should steer clear. I ignored this and proceed to purchase the Sony Blu Ray burner the day it was released. It did suck. It couldn't even _play_ Blu Ray movies and I had to be very inventive and purchase a Japanese release of WinDVD 8 that had support for Blu Ray and was finally able to play some Blu Ray movies.

Now, quality is right up there with my stand-alone HD DVD player.

This is just one example where, had I listened to "everyone", I would not be enjoying spectacular high definition movies on my HTPC.

My point in all this is, the people here at HardOCP are the ones that are willing to take the arrows.

And here you are railing on about a product you don't even own.

Just what exactly are you contributing to this conversation other than to try to make sure that everyone here knows that a lot of people don't like the Zune?

Of course, here I am trying to talk sensible with someone that everyone here knows is just here to bash...

Maybe I should listen to everyone :)
Have you checked out SanDisk Sansa e200 series? It plays video, however you need to convert it with its software... and it breaks the videos into 8 minute chunks (if the video is long).
If anyone is looking for a free video converter for the iPod video check out Videora it's free, and converts to iPod's format.
If you're looking at a video ipod get a Zen Vision:M instead. It has a better screen (64,000 colors vs 292,000), accepts more formats natively, has FM tuning, FM recording, has an organizer, has a voice recorder, customizable interface, can be partitioned as a hard drive, DRM friendly, customizable EQ, shorter charge times, and longer video battery life.....I could go on and on. It's simply a better player. It even comes with white headphones so you can be cool.
mikeblas said:
Is the Zen Vision:M compatible with the iPod's connectors, form factor, and accessories?
Does the ZVM have thousands of utterly worthless accessories designed to waste your money with no return benefit? No it does not, it does have very nice speaker docks, car holders, and charger know, things that are actually useful? Yes it does. When the ipod has a 4.5 hour recharge time that toilet paper cradle is really going to make a dent in the dead battery during the 5 minutes you're in there? :rolleyes: That pretty much sums up 99.9% of the accessories out there.....worthless.
Blown 89 said:
What's stopping you from hard wiring it in?
I already have the ipod setup? I have interface control over the ipod from my Alpine deck? Its a fantastic setup.
Blown 89 said:
What's stopping you from hard wiring it in?
I'd love to do such a project on my boat. Can you tell me where I can buy the male connector, or where I can read up on the protocols used to control the iPod from other devices?
Iaudio X5 60 GB here

no software needed as windows recognizes it as removable storage :)

plays just about all music formats you want but for myself the most critical. FLAC.
I vote the Zen Vision: M. The fact that it plays Xvid, Divx, MKV (one audio channel, but it's still the only player that does) WMV, AVI, etc makes it a winner in my book. I'll get all funky on the Zune once someone lets it play back those video formats.

Until then, Creative all the way.