New iPod Shuffle

I don't see why you are making such a big deal over this, its only been out for a few days. There are going to be a wide section of adapters, we just have to wait. (we as in everyone else, no way i'm buying on of these, I need a screen on my DAP).
Because it's a fucking shitty way of doing business, that's why. They might as well not even include earbuds at all considering most of the people that care about quality sound - which the stock earbuds simply cannot supply - will be hoping to be using better quality equipment with the shuffle anyway. Now they really don't have any choice at all in buying something that's officially sanctioned by Apple, with the logo and everything on it, so Apple can milk even more licensing fees from the suckers...

Geez, how far are they going to go?
on the plus side, if you are listening to music naked, it makes you look hhyyyyyuuuugggggeeee
Lol im an big apple hater but after I saw that I have to get one.. which I probably will but will need to save up for one.. Probably the only reason why im getting it is because its so small :eek: I hope you can use it as a usb drive too, that will be really useful... I don't want to carry the psp around, too big for the pocket, so yea it will be good xD but then it would be somewhat easy to loose i guess heh.
LOL I think you mean 4 cent. But maybe they are .04 cents there so cheap! It is weird they did this... Maybe... Wonder if there will be controller for other headphones.

So I assume the stock Apple earbuds aren't the high-quality neodynium ones they used to bundle with the iPod? I admit, I haven't tried the pairs from my past 2 iPods. But the ones that came with my original Nano were nice. Uncomfortable but nice sound.
So I assume the stock Apple earbuds aren't the high-quality neodynium ones they used to bundle with the iPod? I admit, I haven't tried the pairs from my past 2 iPods. But the ones that came with my original Nano were nice. Uncomfortable but nice sound.
The iPod earbuds were never good quality. They might sound good to you, but that means that you've either never used anything better or you just don't have particularly great hearing (no offense).
The iPod earbuds were never good quality. They might sound good to you, but that means that you've either never used anything better or you just don't have particularly great hearing (no offense).

Thats funny you say that... i JUST ( yesterday) received my red shuffle (2nd Gen) from apple and I have a few threads up about why it sounds like shit... my only comparison is my 4th gen ipod on my Alpine car stereo and home sound system. I guess I need to look around for some good ear buds.

I was trying to re rip my CDs at 320k and all kinds of shit. Nothing worked :)
I understand why some people don't like the shuffle. I personally wouldn't buy one but I like it for what it is. I prefer either the classic or touch but it's obvious the shuffle is marketed towards the people who just don't really care much for music and just listen to singles.
absenseoftruth, a by product of me spending way to much time on this site is I notice when alot of old threads get resurrected. You seem to be doing alot of that lately. I guess if you're new you gotta bump that post count somehow...
absenseoftruth, a by product of me spending way to much time on this site is I notice when alot of old threads get resurrected. You seem to be doing alot of that lately. I guess if you're new you gotta bump that post count somehow...

That's exactly what I'm doing. :)
absenseoftruth, a by product of me spending way to much time on this site is I notice when alot of old threads get resurrected. You seem to be doing alot of that lately. I guess if you're new you gotta bump that post count somehow...
its only 6 days old, and this is a forum, you know, where you post.
I've never used anything but the Apple earbuds that came with my iPod Touch. I imagine there's better ones on the market, but I just don't want to spend any more money than I have to, and considering that I'm a 16 year old without a job, money does come into play here.
I can't stand the Apple earbuds, I only use them for my iPhone if I'm listening to Podcasts or talking to someone on the phone.