New HL2 release date

Oct 10, 2002
Apparently Valve now shooting for a "summer" release. I know a lot of us are sick of the whole release date schedule thing, but I figured since I didn't see it posted, someone was sure to mention this. Note the guy now saying a summer release is the same guy who told us April.
I'm willing to bet we see it on shelves "at holiday time" to be included in the annual "holiday release" market.
I think the whole stolen code thing was invented by Valve so they could buy more time with the game.
The author of this article is a moron.

The title is completely misleading.

Half-Life 2 sets a date

...While still shying away from giving a firm date, Doug Lombardi, Valve's director of marketing, told me the company "is currently targeting this summer for the completion of Half-Life 2".


SUMMER is not a date. April 10, May 29, September 5, 2031, those are DATES. Next time my girlfriend asks me to set a date for me to propose to her, I'll tell her that "I'm currently contemplating a possible release date of late Spring sometime in the 2000 millenium."

Fuck the Frenchies, at this point, HL2 would have to be the best game EVER to live up to all the hype and the delays.

I'll wait quietly for STALKER...