New HD595's - Are they deffective?


Limp Gawd
Aug 11, 2004
I just purchased a pair of Sennheiser HD595 headphones. How loud are these supposed to be able to get before distorting? If I turn the volume up any higher than what most would consider "normal" listening levels the right can starts making a snapping/crackling sound with the bass. I checked for any hairs on the driver but found none. I tried numerous sources and at about the same bass level on each I get this snapping noise. Does this sound like a defective pair or are these headphone just not good for listening at high volumes?

As long as I keep the volume at the "normal" listening level they sound great though.
Probably defective. I was able to pump mine up quite a bit and didn't hear any popping.

On a side note, Sennheiser sound didn't jive with me, so I ended up returning it.