New HardOCP Thread


Just Plain Mean
Staff member
May 18, 1997
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Damn Kyle, this really looks nice, and very professional. Two thumbs way up to all concerned. As an aside, with both IE and Opera, my old [H] bookmarks went right to the front (news) page. No problems here.
Looks great. Just had to look around for a minute to find where the new link for the forums was.
Thanks guys. Also, right now the RSS feeds are hosed. Will be fixed soon.
Looks sweet. Popped right up on my homepage like usual.

I guess you got the beer cleaned up. :eek:
Oooooh... Pretty :D

I'm sure some will try to resist the change, but take heart, as I'm sure so many more will applaud another BOLD [H] step.
Man.. it looks freakin sweet!!! Very professional and still easy to read.
It's nice...I like the different color scheme for [H]Consumer too.
I'm a little confused here. It seems that the news in sections is overlapping? Does [H] news just have all the news, and then each sections has duplicates of that news, but only the news that applys to that section? Or is this just post-transferr jitters?
The site looks great, very professional, only grip is that it reminds me of every other news site on the web... but take that with a grain of salt because I’m not a big fan of change in the things I love.

My only other thing that would be nice to see, is a date next to the time that an article was posted, having to scroll up and search for what date it was posted might get a little annoying...

Just a thought
And keep out the amazing work, you guys are awesome

It not only looks very nice but it also works good as well, and I like the idea of the different [H] channels. On a side note Kyle, didn't you tryout a look like this before then reverted back to the old style?
sac_tagg said:
I'm a little confused here. It seems that the news in sections is overlapping? Does [H] news just have all the news, and then each sections has duplicates of that news, but only the news that applys to that section? Or is this just post-transferr jitters? - ALL the news.

Enthusiast - Enthusiast-centric news and content.

Consumer - Same slant

Console - Same slant.

So the news on the speciliazed pages is basically filtered for that subject matter.
justapix said:
The site looks great, very professional, only grip is that it reminds me of every other news site on the web... but take that with a grain of salt because I’m not a big fan of change in the things I love.

My only other thing that would be nice to see, is a date next to the time that an article was posted, having to scroll up and search for what date it was posted might get a little annoying...

Just a thought
And keep out the amazing work, you guys are awesome


Thanks for the thoughts. As you scroll down the date header will appear if you start reading a day other than what is noted at the top.
N_Raged said:
It not only looks very nice but it also works good as well, and I like the idea of the different [H] channels. On a side note Kyle, didn't you tryout a look like this before then reverted back to the old style?

Yes, we did a full redesign last year that we never launched. it did not incorporate the channels though. Was basically the current enthusiast page.
There will be a [H] Enterprise channel added this year as well, which will help make a bit more sense out of our layout.
Congratulations on a well-done redesign.. I have seen the preview before and are impatiently awaiting to see them into action.
Damn. New website is not bad, not bad at all. Pretty nifty. Best looking tech website out there. :p
wow i popped up the site and W :eek: W is all i can say. REALLY nicely done layout

in the xanga world i'd give u 2 props because its the most i can give lol
I like it - easier to navigate for sure and the categorization makes it easier to see the articles of interest to me. Only thing I dislike is the site has a fixed width which makes it look like a slightly narrow column down the middle of my screen. I'm only a hack on site design but it would seem you could set the 2 side bars width to be fixed and the main background and center column to 100% so it would resize to the browser window. Aside from the fixed width though I really dig it.
I like the new look, but I'd like to see it stretched to the width of the browser. I'm not ever running that high of a res(1280x1024) but it looks very narrow. I'm interested to see how it looks on my laptop running 1920x1200 when I get home.
Nice update, but I don't think some of the elements are lining up properly in FireFox. If you look at the screen shots below, the add areas are quite aligned properly. I am using FF 1.5. I am also using Adblock, but as you can see in the third screen shot, it's still an issue even when Adblock is disabled.

Looks great, I tried to get it to happend (constant back and forth and refreshing) and the pages all loaded properly.
Bar none the best looking tech news site on the 'net.
Great job from a fellow North Texan!

fuelvolts said:
Bar none the best looking tech news site on the 'net.
Great job from a fellow North Texan!


I am from Houston, but I am home now!!! Albeit a bit close to Oklahoma! :eek: ;)
I enjoy the new site design, seems "more professional" if that makes any sense.

My only gripe, though very minor, is the absence of the "news editions". I really liked the feature because I could check hardocp several times a day and know which parts of the news were new to me almost instantly. To me, the "editions" organized the news very well and made it easy for people to quickly check for updated news. Granted I could live without it, but I was wondering is this a "dead" feature or is there a chance that it will be reinstated again?

Overall I am very impressed Kyle, nice work.
Moofasa~ said:
I enjoy the new site design, seems "more professional" if that makes any sense.

My only gripe, though very minor, is the absence of the "news editions". I really liked the feature because I could check hardocp several times a day and know which parts of the news were new to me almost instantly. To me, the "editions" organized the news very well and made it easy for people to quickly check for updated news. Granted I could live without it, but I was wondering is this a "dead" feature or is there a chance that it will be reinstated again?

Overall I am very impressed Kyle, nice work.

Yeah, I like the editions as well, but with the format we are using, they had to get the axe. I always like that about H news too.
omfg, *orgasm*, WICKED FUCKING SITE! Sorry, usually don't curse, but the new [H] deserved it. I <3 it much.
site looks really awesome!! Thanks for all the [H]ard work you guys really does make [H] the Best site on the Net!!

:) :)
Personally I dont like it. Its just to cluttered.

It most likely stems from the fact that you built it with a 800x600 monitor in mind so everything is crammed into the center 4 inches on my big ass monitor.

Also the huge ClubIT ad right in the middle of the page is annoying.

I know i'm being negative, but I've been reading [H] since around 98-99, and the redesign makes it look like every other banner ad site. I know you need $$ to run the site and i understand that. Its just sad to see.
I really really like it. Been reading the site since 1999 and this definately lets the [H] have the front end to match the stellar content it has always had, clearly there are more ads but they are less intrusive than they were before so all is good on that front.

Possibly my only suggestion or wish list item would be to possibly make the different style sheets an option for all the channels. Personally I prefer white backgrounds for websites and would love to have the Consumer CSS style available under the general or enthusiast channels.
It looks like there's an ad sitting on top of something in Safari. I'm not sure where to click to find specific hardware reviews, maybe that is what is hidden by the ad.

Here's a shot of an article:
I like the new look although the new colors on some of the sections threw me off. Also I wish it would fill a widescreen display but once again no big deal. Any way nice new look. Are you all going to change the forums to match the new site as well?
wow amazing new site design.... :D

looks a lot better than the site i had to make for an ICT project :p