New Forceware 71.40 BETA released

Tell us how CS Source runs on this driver set. Im not on my main comp so I cant say how they are. We need some testimonials from around here, the nvnews guys are jumping all over these babies.
Seem a bit slower in 3dm03. Lost about 25 points. Hmmmm.........................haven't had a chance to game with them yet.
I just gave the 71.24 VXGs a try and they are very sweet! Given I ran these tests on a 2.5GHz P4 and Intel mobo, the card was running CSS at max settings on 1280x1024. Dropped below 40 on Chateu but otherwise was over 65 when no water was around.
I'll try 'em later...I hope you're wrong about the water issue in HL2. Hopefully it will be gone.
If your a frequent WoW player, don't touch these drivers. Crash to desktop occurs in this game only and HOPEFULLY, these issues will be worked out, back to the 66.93's :D
Yes on Guru 3D's forums there are some who say these drivers are not good for you.

I will stick with 71.24 for a little while longer.
W3rd on the street right now is that 71.xx officials from nvidia are only a week or two away.
lats night i installed the 71.24.
every body was saying there are great divers,
so far they are good,
iam going to try half lfie later with these
Im using the 71.24 VXgs right now and I can claim it runs everything clean and great, but the obvious Aztec texture bug and HL2 yellow bugs are still here. Not biggies, as I can still play with these bugs iun effect, but I will be reporting them to nVidia.
minc3d said:
W3rd on the street right now is that 71.xx officials from nvidia are only a week or two away.

Hmm...sweet. I'll probably just wait until then. Oh, and, linkage?
Some supposed beta tester on the nvnews forums stated this a week ago. Only time will tell if he was right. Then again, look at all the betas they have released on the 71.xx set. Weve seen 71.20, 71.22, 71.24, 71.40, and 71.50 within a matter of 3 weeks. I smell a WHQL cooking for the nvidions around here REAL soon :D