New Flash

ben chi(f4)

Mar 4, 2008
I'm getting a SB-600 on the 22nd. Since that's what I can afford right now (got it on CL for $150.00 IMO great buy for the money), what do you recommend for me to shoot to start learning? I'm thinking about getting some pocket wizards as well ASAP so I can do some cool strobist stuff.

So far, I've been fairly happy with the way I shoot with natural light, but I can't wait to deal with filling in light where needed.

Tips/hints appreciated =]
Depending on your body you shouldn't need any Pocket Wizards since the on-board flash will act as the Commander

Maybe I need to do more research on Pocket Wizards... but aren't they the remote systems for flash?
You may want to look at the SU-800 Wireless Speedlight Commander Unit. If you’re using your speedlights in close proximity to each other the su-800 will work well as long as the speedlights are in the line of sight (outdoors at least). Pocket wizards will aid in the control with farther distances but my understanding is that you'll need receivers for each speed light.
ooo... I may have to look into one of these pocket wizards as well. I recently got a SB900 to use w/ my d90 - It was my understanding that the remote function would work without anything else attached to the camera, but I was mistaken. Apparently you have to have a commander unit attached to the camera and it controls the other remote units.

I hadn't thought of this before, but if I could get a separate commander device to attach to the camera that would let the SB900 work as a remote unit by itself, that'd be super cool! Is that what a pocket wizard is for? What models of these are recommended?
wow! Sweet site - thanks! (you were talking about this strobist site, right? If not, link plz)

I have got lots of reading to do now! I've been wanting a good lighting info resource for a while now, and this looks like a perfect start.

The first post at the top of that site (lighting the z-car) gave me a great idea - even though I can't use my sb900 as a solo remote unit (yet), I could simply set the camera shutter to several seconds, and manually flash my subject (multiple times with stationary subjects) from different directions to simulate more dynamic lighting. Can't wait to try this technique out! and I can't believe I didn't think of that sooner... :)
:eek: I can do that?!? ^^^ When were you going to tell me this??? ;)

Any idea how to set the on-board flash on D90 to commander mode? I did not know that was possible.

I started reading on strobist today, and was already convinced to order a stand, head, umbrella and pc cable to get the full potential out of my sb900... but if I don't need the cable, that would make it quite a bit easier. Going to try this out now.

edit: sweet! it worked! now I just have to figure out how to make this work without firing the onboard flash. or is the flash what makes this work?
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edit: sweet! it worked! now I just have to figure out how to make this work without firing the onboard flash. or is the flash what makes this work?
the flash is what makes it work. however, if you set the mode to "--", only the preflash will fire. the preflash, as the name implies, fires before the shutter curtain opens, and doesn't add to the photo exposure.

you can also take a look at this blog. it's not strobist, but it's oriented around Nikon TTL exclusively
sweet! (again) thx for the info!

I finally found my camera manual (lost it for a while) and looked up how the on-camera-flash commander mode works (p.188 for anyone w/ D90 trying to figure this out :p). Once again, can't wait to get home and try this out. :D I knew it was a horrible idea to not bring my camera to work today...