new dell 2405 in the house: sugg...

The Saint

Mar 18, 2003
well guys...

I just got my 2405 and all is well, apart from 4 dead pixels....

1 near thhe center and two on the top right corner, the last one on the bottom right corner...

I'm looking for suggestions on wheter to send it back or I should just keep it ...

I'm leanging towards keeping it...

The Saint said:
well guys...

I just got my 2405 and all is well, apart from 4 dead pixels....

1 near thhe center and two on the top right corner, the last one on the bottom right corner...

I'm looking for suggestions on wheter to send it back or I should just keep it ...

I'm leanging towards keeping it...


if it bugs you AT ALL, don't keep it, if not than keep it

to spend $1000 or however much u spent, and get something that you are annoyed with is not worth it

my 2 cents
:D ...what would you do though?

right now it does not bug me...i guess I will have to spend some time with it though...
The Saint said:
:D ...what would you do though?

right now it does not bug me...i guess I will have to spend some time with it though...

i would return it i am picky, i would want 0 dead pixels
-also for resale value later if u say 0 dead pixels u might get more for it
....okay but then what will I do if I get a worse one ?

Was it Loe Tze that said: be content with what you have...

Keep sending them back til you get a perfect one. My buddy returned his 2005fpw 2 or 3 times til he got one he was happy with. There's no reason you should have to pay for something less than perfect.
if it does not bother you at all, then do not bother returning it. If everyone were to send products back to the manufactors because of some very minor defect that did not bother you to begin with, plan on paying more for future products to cover losses. Now if it truly does bother you, even a it.
depends on if it bothers you or not.

I've got 1 partially dead pixel on mine about 2" from the left & 1/4" from the top.

I probably would have never noticed it except for the fact that I ran the LCD test program.

Now that I know its there, my eyes drift to it, and being that I'm OCD, its going to make me go crazy!!

j/k I'm already crazy so I'm keeping it. (and not OCD)
I'd send it back. My 2005 came without any dead pixels. I would have sent it back if it had one.
...well, my system is finally running so I will try the monitor out a bit more and see if it does bother me...

My worry is that with all the exchanges they get, maybe they'll even send out one that has already been shipped and returned....
The Saint said:
...well, my system is finally running so I will try the monitor out a bit more and see if it does bother me...

My worry is that with all the exchanges they get, maybe they'll even send out one that has already been shipped and returned....

no reason for you not to send it back. just do it til you get a good one. its not like this is your only display..
The Saint said:
...well, my system is finally running so I will try the monitor out a bit more and see if it does bother me...

My worry is that with all the exchanges they get, maybe they'll even send out one that has already been shipped and returned....

You could get one with ever MORE dead pixels. I've heard of some PICKY people sending back 2-3 monitors before they get a PERFECT one on the 3rd or 4th try.
I would return it. You didnt pay to get a defective product. Im expecting my 2405fpw tomorrow, and hoping i dont have to return it. What causes dead pixels so i know what to watch out for?
I'd return it.

I'm getting my 2405FPW tomorrow and hope there's no dead pixels.
Return it, I bought 5 2405FP screens and none had any dead pixels - you drew the short straw by the sounds of it - statistically the replacement should be perfect
My first screen had no dead pixels until after having it for a month. I'm the type of person that cannot handle even 1 dead pixel so I went ahead and returned it for one that has 0. Do it, there should be no reason to pay 8-900 for a dead pixel.
I work for an electronics company. And at the present I work on displays. People would be surprised if they knew what industry standard is for LCD displays and dead pixels. Jus the fact Dell is willing to exchange the mon out is awsome. They really dont have to. And at the price and all the awsome reviews they have it prolly would'nt make much of a differance.

As for getting a new one that is repacked I doubt that. When I was buying mine I asked about returned ones. And that if I could get a deal id take one with a few known dead pixels. They dont resell them to the general public. They get moved to an industry level sale or something like that. So dont worry.

People have 30 days or so to swap the mon out. Well remember this you could swap it out and 31 days later have more problems with the new one. So id say if it work for you than keep it. I also have a sony overhead projector and it has 2 dead pixels. This is shown on a 143" screen. Hard for many to notice given their location but I know just where they are. But doesnt bother me in the least.
Arialis said:
I work for an electronics company. And at the present I work on displays. People would be surprised if they knew what industry standard is for LCD displays and dead pixels. Jus the fact Dell is willing to exchange the mon out is awsome. They really dont have to. And at the price and all the awsome reviews they have it prolly would'nt make much of a differance.

As for getting a new one that is repacked I doubt that. When I was buying mine I asked about returned ones. And that if I could get a deal id take one with a few known dead pixels. They dont resell them to the general public. They get moved to an industry level sale or something like that. So dont worry.

People have 30 days or so to swap the mon out. Well remember this you could swap it out and 31 days later have more problems with the new one. So id say if it work for you than keep it. I also have a sony overhead projector and it has 2 dead pixels. This is shown on a 143" screen. Hard for many to notice given their location but I know just where they are. But doesnt bother me in the least.

yeah, those monitors goto businesses etc. which don't care about the pixels.
Hey, send it back.

I was in the same boat, 3 months ago when I got my 2405.

It was perfect, except for the internal powersupply which buzzed.

I figured eventually I'll have a silent computer and it would drive me nuts, so I called up dell, and they sent me a new replacement. I got it worried that it may have no buzzing but dead pixels, well the replacement had no dead pixels, and no buzzing, I packed up the first panel into the 2nd panels box, and Dell had UPS pick it up the next day.

So I'm very happy with my 2405, I may get another for a dual display with my next system upgrade but I'll wait and see, send it back if you are slightly unhappy with it.
chrisf6969 said:
You could get one with ever MORE dead pixels. I've heard of some PICKY people sending back 2-3 monitors before they get a PERFECT one on the 3rd or 4th try.

but dont YOU have to pay shipping each time you send it back, meaning if you send it back 4 times, thats costing you want, about 60-80bucks!?! that sucks
Techx said:
but dont YOU have to pay shipping each time you send it back, meaning if you send it back 4 times, thats costing you want, about 60-80bucks!?! that sucks
I don't think you have it right. :)
Techx said:
but dont YOU have to pay shipping each time you send it back, meaning if you send it back 4 times, thats costing you want, about 60-80bucks!?! that sucks
Not with dell you don't. I think they pay for shipping both ways. But for many other companies, you're right.