/new Corsair memory: is it just a heatspreader difference?

Buy the second one. Lower timings, same speed. But they were $20 cheaper($84 AR) when I bought them and $10 cheaper a couple days ago, so maybe wait around for them to lower them again?

I've also been watching these with even lower timings, but are more costly. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820145242

I already own the first ones. Now I'm pissed because much better ones are available.

Those ones you linked to appear to be better than the more expensive Dominator series.
This is a new "Classic" heat spreader. It is replacing our existing XMS Classic heat spreader. It does not have DHX Technology which is the cooling used on the DHX series and the Dominator series. The changes are primarily cosmetic and will match the performance of original XMS spreaders.

Original XMS: http://www.corsair.com/products/xms/default.aspx

XMS2: http://www.corsair.com/products/xms2/default.aspx

XMS3: http://www.corsair.com/products/xms3/default.aspx

Thanks for the info, Mike. I was aware that the Dominator's cooling solution was superior; what I was referring to was the fact that the XMS series with lower latencies than the Dominator series also costs less. It just seems odd that the cheaper modules would perform better, unless I'm missing something, which I very well may be.
The cost or price at Newegg is reflective of what Newegg paid for them. And, IC prices are dropping. So, newer stuff may have better specs AND cost less. It happens all the time with memory as the ICs progress.
The cost or price at Newegg is reflective of what Newegg paid for them. And, IC prices are dropping. So, newer stuff may have better specs AND cost less. It happens all the time with memory as the ICs progress.

So can we expect a Dominator refresh with tighter timings and lowered production costs? ;)
So can we expect a Dominator refresh with tighter timings and lowered production costs? ;)

"Probably" but it depends on the ICs really. That's a logical assumption but, it will depend on if we can get the proper yields. I fully expect it since, as you pointed out, we are beating the DOM on price and specifications.