New Cooler Master Case. 9/10 Says I


Jan 9, 2004
I think this is a pretty sweet case. I really don't care for the audio detector though. I'd get it w/o it. Wonder how much it's going for.

Cavalier 1 & 3
Finally Coolermaster puts out a case with a 120mm fan. A semi-quiet AND really goodlooking case.... nice. I bet it costs a grip though.
Yea it's nice. I still love my black Wave Master though. *Grins*

clean, professional... i like. I just got my first coolermaster case yesterday, damn talk about quality.
I agree with Hoop, I bet it's going to cost a lot.
Looks to much like the wavemaster and wtf is up with the dial in the front?

Hmm 120mm in the back yet a single 80mm in the front. Oh yeah, thats balanced airflow right there:rolleyes:
I actually like the dial up front, gives it a "retro" feel and gives me an idea for my next mod, heh. I think this case looks really good. Probably the first case I have seen in a long while that I wouldn't mind paying a little extra for, and I'm the king of the $20 case.

And as far as airflow is concerned, I imagine the giant vents on the side will help to balance out the 120MM fan. Infact I kinda like that idea, those vents look like they are right under the mobo. Thats a good way to cool off the underside of your mobo I would imagine.
Sexy looking case. I have the regular old wave master, very nice case, but front intake is a joke. Maybe they fixed it with this one.

I'd say at least $200 for this new one.
Nice case, they could've called it the Wave Master 2 though. I'm not a really a fan of the dial but at least the 120mm exhaust is a welcome addition. I still can't figure out why they kept the intake as 80mm. If they made the intake 120mm then I would actually consider Cooler Master for wc'ing. Cooler Master cases have not been heatercore friendly up to this point :( (I don't like mounting the core up top).

I still like the SST-TJ04.
saw the ad in maximum pc today - nice case. coolermaster has always been on my good list.

for the record, thermaltake is firmly smack dab on top of my shit list.
Originally posted by TheMostWantedPolishTwin
I don't really like it...

Me either, but then again i dont' like any of the case designs of Cooler Master. And i don't know about anyone else, but all the wavemaster cases i saw in person were complete pieces of crap, i coudln't believe how poor the quality it was. Maybe it's b/c they were display models at Fry's, but the whole thing sort of felt cheap. They've never really impressed me.
Originally posted by SB22
Me either, but then again i dont' like any of the case designs of Cooler Master. And i don't know about anyone else, but all the wavemaster cases i saw in person were complete pieces of crap, i coudln't believe how poor the quality it was. Maybe it's b/c they were display models at Fry's, but the whole thing sort of felt cheap. They've never really impressed me.

That says it all right there "display models at Fry's", the display units are always trashed somehow.

But it is a nice case. How much air actually comes through on the WaveMaster? Do they run a little bit hotter?
Yes, I went from an Antec case with 4x80 mm fans (2 in, 2 out) to the WaveMaster and saw my cpu load temps rise about 8c.

But it's a darn nice case and well made. The airflow could have been designed better though -- BUT I think they were going for 'quiet' and not a wind tunnel.
Im getting outa the ATX cases. I ordered a Shuttle SB75G2 V2 today, should be here Friday, can't wait :)
damn what happend to the straight no **** cases? those things where even better than lian-li. but now a day's the coolermaster designers are going the wrong way if you ask me.:(
The original Wavemaster is quality. An absolutely rock solid chassis with zero flex anywhere.
Hmmph. Wavemaster that I ordered was the biggest POS. SIde panels were poorly cut so it was grinding into the case itself and I had to use all my force to pry it off and the mobo tray was misaligned and woudn't come out. Peice of crap.
Originally posted by IceWind
Hmmph. Wavemaster that I ordered was the biggest POS. SIde panels were poorly cut so it was grinding into the case itself and I had to use all my force to pry it off and the mobo tray was misaligned and woudn't come out. Peice of crap.

LOL, next time be gentle with it and it will come out easily. I built more than 10 systems out of wave master and never had problem with it. ;)
For what CoolerMaster charges, I think their designs are atrocious. A 120mm exhaust and an 80mm intake? Ok so the extra air comes in through the vents in the side you say?

For a case of that price I would expect dust filters, in fact it would be a base requirement for me for any good case.
atc-111 is still best in my book.

To clean and sleak to beat :D thats why i bought it :D
I don't get it, it looks just like the Wavemaster with a 120mm hole. :confused: I think the Wavemaster is a POS.
I like some of the other newer models, the ones that look like a G5, except that it looks too much like a G5 rip off.
I still perfer the nice clean look of the Praetorian cases to them though, nothing wrong with a classic. :D
Originally posted by CrimandEvil
I like some of the other newer models, the ones that look like a G5, except that it looks too much like a G5 rip off.
That's Lian Li, not CoolerMaster =)

Looks better to me than the WaveMaster and the idea with the 120mm exhaust and only 80mm intake isn't that suprising. Many cases, LiLis for example, come with higher exhaust than intake. Creates more dust-buildup though so intake filters would be good, but won't help with the vents in the sides, those might help cool the mobo though like mentioned.

An improvement on the WaveMaster in my book, my I still prefer my PC70 overall :D
Originally posted by emorphien
For what CoolerMaster charges, I think their designs are atrocious.

That's basically what i was getting at before ;)
Originally posted by Egrimm
That's Lian Li, not CoolerMaster =)
Opps! :)
I still perfer the Praetorian though...just wish I could drop ~$150 on just a case though.:(
I am considering getting this case...Anyone see it online yet?

How much longer before it hits Newegg?
Originally posted by audiophile
im still a sucker for the classic ATC210
Isn't that now called the Praetorian (new stupid name)? Looks an awful lot like my ATC case from a couple years back.


Looks unique but not too clean...