New Coin Thread


Sep 19, 2003
A big part of mining is speculating on new coins, crossing your fingers that you'll get in early on a coin that blows up and you can take a big payday, which is what we all want, right? I think this may be what the Altcoin Thread was intended to be at first, but now that we have an actual dedicated forum and that thread pretty much held everything, I thought it would be good to separate this out a bit.

So, post up here if you get wind of new coins that either just launched or will be launching soon that look promising.

To get the ball rolling, I'll go first. Lately I've been looking into and mining Litebar and Ultracoin. Litebar's reward just dropped from its launch bonus so it may not be as good to mine anymore, but still worth looking into. I have a good feeling about Ultracoin, I think they can push that coin higher once it hits a few larger exchanges. I know everyone is still talking about Maxcoin, not sure if that's still worthwhile or not to deal with all the BS that seems to come with it.

That's all I'll say right now. And no, I will not be setting up a pool for it - it requires a custom miner (it is GPU-mineable though).

That's all I'll say right now. And no, I will not be setting up a pool for it - it requires a custom miner (it is GPU-mineable though).

I like everything about it except the difficulty and exchange rate.

Keeps the GPUs much cooler, uses less power...unfortunately it works out at only 0.10 BTC per day for me while I'm making 0.15-0.20 per day with UTC.

I like UltraCoin. Like DarkCoin it's ASIC resistant, currently GPU mining works pretty well until n-factor becomes too large later this year. The dev team has some street cred too (BTC-e chat mods)
Might be worth looking into ReddCoin too, if they make any traction on any of the social networking stuff they want to do (which is ambitious) then I could see this getting extremely popular.
What's the outlook for AKC, anyone want to take a shot, hate to keep mining it with no exchange yet.

I might have to give an auto-switching pool a try.
Might be worth looking into ReddCoin too, if they make any traction on any of the social networking stuff they want to do (which is ambitious) then I could see this getting extremely popular.

I've been bouncing between Reddcoin, Penguincoin (just for something to dump), and now Karmacoin for a short while now.

I really like Reddcoin's overall complete package... when you go to their website, it's professional looking, they have had a sort of fund raiser where they sought investors to invest BTC into their project, they have plans for the future direction of this coin. However, what they don't have going for them is that they are yet another contender for the title of "coin of the internet". That's the same thing that Digibyte is going for, in some cases that's what DOGE is aiming for, what Worldcoin wanted to be, etc. So, ultimately, lots of competition in that arena.

Penguin and Karma I'm mining just for something to dump so I can line my pockets. All of these coins are still at semi-low diff, aren't mined by multipools yet as far as I know, and at least a couple of them might go up a Satoshi or two in the next short term. So what the hell.
Oh Lord I can't believe I'm saying this, but FlappyCoin was just released a short time ago... I am going to try and mine a shit ton of these and hope it hits an exchange with a bang. If not, well, I wasted a day or two. I normally don't get caught up in any new shitcoin release, but since Flappy Birds is supposedly some sort of super brain numbing mind control experiment, I figure that every freakin' fanboi on the planet will be stampeding to get their hands on some. Well... maybe.

(Yes, apparently the coin devs were granted permission to use the name and imagery.)
Oh Lord I can't believe I'm saying this, but FlappyCoin was just released a short time ago... I am going to try and mine a shit ton of these and hope it hits an exchange with a bang. If not, well, I wasted a day or two. I normally don't get caught up in any new shitcoin release, but since Flappy Birds is supposedly some sort of super brain numbing mind control experiment, I figure that every freakin' fanboi on the planet will be stampeding to get their hands on some. Well... maybe.

(Yes, apparently the coin devs were granted permission to use the name and imagery.)

I saw that this afternoon and totally thought the same thing. Let us know if it seems to be turning out well and maybe I'll jump on board as well.

Tried to get in on the SynCoin launch and it totally bombed. Last time I bailed on a launch when it wasn't going well was MAX though and if I would have stayed in I would have made a ton, so I'll still leave my stuff set up to hop on as soon as it's fixed, just figures. I haven't seen a successful launch of a coin yet.
Well, I'm still up in the air about this one... Apparently this is the second FlappyCoin that is out there, just released first. So there could be some shit hitting the fan (ie. drama) later.. dunno.

I'm just using the pool on Man, that makes it really awesome just to go "Hey, I feel like mining <insert coin here> today. <Click> Done!" I would have preferred to only stick half my hash power on FLAP, but since that's now how works, what the heck... go big or go home right?
If you try to use any coins as a curreency, you cannot limit the amount. Look at all these USD, GBP, EUR, etc. They generate money with unlimited means. The key here is moderation, once you get enough going and people start to use it, you need to have a little bit added to the pool of money once in a while. Its called inflation and you NEED it for economies to survive. The only coin I know of that does this is DOGE, which why I have been mining that for some time. It will not blow up to $600 like BTC did, but at least theres a chance it will be stable and have its own form of value, unlike the current coins where its value is the relation to USD, GBP, etc...
well after a few days of mining AKC I have 1.1 million of them. Hopefully it hits an exchange soon so I can trade. On one of the forums it looks like people are trading them for between .5-1 BTC per million. I am going to go back to mining DOGE for a few days since I don't have to sign up for another pool.
No form of currency on the planet is valid unless it has a value relative to the USD.

not true in the rigid sense. The reason the dollar is important is only because it's what the country uses, in a hypothetical sense the USD could disappear tomorrow, and almost instantly people would be able to relate things they own to the value of things they need. (depending on market forces)

Extreme example -- zombie apocalypse. Dollars don't mean shit anymore, you could be sitting on 10 million dollars, but who would want them? The food, ammo, water, medicine you have would likely become the new currency. Completely independent of the dollar.

I know what you are saying though, the dollar is what we are able to quantify almost anything in terms of value relative to something else. We know how much energy we have to expend to get $1 and we know usually what we can exchange that $1 for. the fact it's a dollar doesn't matter.
Well, Flappycoin is sorta becoming mediocre in the profitability department. It was touching 6 Satoshis earlier, but now it's back down and people are more interested in buying at 4, possibly 5. The market is now flooded with them. I'm seeing how easy it is to sell what I have... trying for 5. I'll still keep an eye on it and if it shows signs of going anywhere other than down, I'll jump back on and mine some more. So ends my first true crapcoin experience. (Ya, I've mined other crapcoins, but not so soon after launch.)
Well, Flappycoin is sorta becoming mediocre in the profitability department. It was touching 6 Satoshis earlier, but now it's back down and people are more interested in buying at 4, possibly 5. The market is now flooded with them. I'm seeing how easy it is to sell what I have... trying for 5. I'll still keep an eye on it and if it shows signs of going anywhere other than down, I'll jump back on and mine some more. So ends my first true crapcoin experience. (Ya, I've mined other crapcoins, but not so soon after launch.)

Win some lose some.
Rabbitcoin seems to be gaining steadily and "might" turn out decent for a while?

There was a launch with Beli and Rabbit simultaneously. Beli has been premined a bit but Idk if that was a factor but Rabbit is steadily going up 22 dif with a few GH/s, and Beli is somewhere under a GH.

Who knows where it's going, it was launched less than a day ago and appears to be gaining momentum mining wise. There's one "new" exchange with it in very small volume but Idk if that's an indication of price yet.

Who knows as with anything though.
So the USD is the end all currency? haha


You may want to look up "reserve currency". 60+% of the *world's* cash reserves are in the USD. And ~87% of all worldwide currency trade involves the USD.

So think what you want, but the USD is currently THE currency of worldwide commerce. And as such, all other currencies' value is measured against the USD.
well it looks like AKC isn't going to pan out. Dev dropped out due to some health issues
I've been mining ultracoin for about a week now. I convert it straight to BTC though...

So far the payouts are about .055 - .06 per day after conversion. I run a 3.6Mh rig...

Long term, i honestly think the coin has no prospects (like 99% of the altcoins). The dev seems like a real jackass but the profit is there for the moment and I'm not holding.

My longterm coin of choice is VTC and every now and then I convert a stack of btc to vtc.
I've been mining ultracoin for about a week now. I convert it straight to BTC though...

So far the payouts are about .055 - .06 per day after conversion. I run a 3.6Mh rig...

Long term, i honestly think the coin has no prospects (like 99% of the altcoins). The dev seems like a real jackass but the profit is there for the moment and I'm not holding.

My longterm coin of choice is VTC and every now and then I convert a stack of btc to vtc.

That's a really good return. Anything over .01 BTC per 1Mh a day is good in my book. I've been getting .033 on my 2.7Mh rig per day and thought I was doing well (multi-pool).
anybody recommend a reputable crypto escrow service? I have some AKC I want to unload
I've been mining ultracoin for about a week now. I convert it straight to BTC though...

So far the payouts are about .055 - .06 per day after conversion. I run a 3.6Mh rig...

Long term, i honestly think the coin has no prospects (like 99% of the altcoins). The dev seems like a real jackass but the profit is there for the moment and I'm not holding.

My longterm coin of choice is VTC and every now and then I convert a stack of btc to vtc.

Do you notice you get really high reject rates when mining UTC? Mine are over 20%. When mining normal Scrypt coins they're less than 1%.
I've been using which has been good, other than the reject ratio. I tried another pool ( but they're a much smaller pool) and had a similar reject issue so I don't think it's the pool, but something with my setup.
vortec i also use ultra.nitro -- my rejects are in line with my normal scrypt rate ... so between 1-3%. what cards are you optimizing? any HW errors?
Hmm, seems to happen most on my 7950 but I see it on my 270x as well. Been running for an hour so far, 0 HW and about 20% reject. They're running at I-20, perhaps I should back that down to 18 or 19.
Again I hate to admit it, but I'm once again jumping on the nearest coin bandwagon and trying Nyancoin right now. Flappycoin is still OK for anyone else wanting a coin that provides moderate profit... just wait to see if it hits 6 Satoshis again and it becomes an above average profit.

For a good Flappycoin pool, has a good one.
nyan was profitable a couple weeks ago, i mined it for a few days back then. right now it has a negative profitability though. something is wrong with their new KGW implementation.