New chair and desk (Herman Miller)

+1 for Herman Miller. Sitting in a Mirra right now. Best thing you can do for yourself is get a proper seating position and desk.

A lot of people don't understand that Mixwell. They say things like it's for a beer belly ect. People are cheap theses days and just want to buy everything at Wal-Mart and could carless about quality, craftsmanship and function. They just buy big ugly house and fill it with cheap crap. Herman Miller is worth every penny and it actually supports your body. Just like all the bad movies and actors theses days. We don't need any more Megan Foxes in this world.
As opposed to candid photos... of a desk?

Yes my place is that clean all the time. I don't live in a pig stye like this.
A lot of people don't understand that Mixwell. They say things like it's for a beer belly ect. People are cheap theses days and just want to buy everything at Wal-Mart and could carless about quality, craftsmanship and function. They just buy big ugly house and fill it with cheap crap. Herman Miller is worth every penny and it actually supports your body. Just like all the bad movies and actors theses days. We don't need any more Megan Foxes in this world.

That is a lot of weird rhetoric to say you like something. Also, you said something that is the #1 rule of do-nots in ergonomics. "Herman Miller is worth every penny and it actually supports your body. " This is the problem. You absolutely do not want this. A chair or other working apparatus should put you in a neutral posture to allow you to support yourself strengthening your postural muscles. This will be exhausting at first until you adjust, but after years of that kind of philosophy sitting in Aerons and stuff it's worth finding something right before you have back and neck problems.

A lot of people don't understand Herman Miller. Herman Miller is generally not an ergonomic solution. Something got confused along the way. They're modern American art furniture. They are very attractive chairs and desks.

Unless you're in a kneeling chair (which you shouldn't be in for very long, I switch mine out), your chair height should be above where your knees sit so your hip angle is open, your desk should be setup so the 3/4 vert point of the monitor is at eye level, and the keyboard is 90 degrees to your elbow. I very rarely see people sitting in Aerons this way. Even then, the chair is still "wrong" for most people in a lot of ways.

Hag, humanscale, Neutral posture, and a very small number of Steelcase chairs are ergonomically designed. You don't really have much choice and they're all relatively expensive. Most of these companies are Northern European because they have in some cases laws and in others just a stronger focus on work ergonomics.

The Aeron can actually worsen lower back and neck problems. The chair allows you to relax into a seating position which does nothing to reduce office-itis. The Aeron stool might be better, but I've never used it. The regular Aeron is forward-head posture-mania having worked in an office full of them.

I'm not saying it won't work for anyone. There are plenty of people who can be comfortable in it for hours and not develop issues, but it's not really set up for ergonomics. Mesh doesn't support, it cradles like a hammock. More importantly, the back of any chair you're using for more than a few hours shouldn't even really be used often. If your chair is at proper height and you're sitting upright, the back is at too steep an angle to be used for anything but rest. Resting all the time and you'll atrophy your postural muscles/develop disc issues from ligaments stretching. Also, arms on a chair are evil. Actually using them while typing or anything is not good.

Edit: try to find a picture of someone sitting properly in an Aeron. It is very hard to do. The embody is a lot better than the Aeron in most regards, but it's expensive and has an unnecessarily huge backrest.
i wish that desk had more space, im lookin for a new desk that has room for 3 monitors or mounts for them
+1 for the cut, I often find pulling my chair towards the desk, almost putting my stomach area directly towards the desk in order to feel comfortable. I have a huge Ikea Galant that fits 3 monitors but I wished that it would somewhat "envelop" me. That is the reason why I do not use keyboard trays and remove the arm rests from chairs that I buy, just so I can keep the desk height as low as possible while pulling in my self and the chair all the way in.

Overall great setup man, If I was redoing my setup and did not mind spending the money I would go for something similar.

Edit, oh and I am totally gonna copy you and get that IBM clock, it is so cool :)
IKEA is a result of hypnotizing people into the belief that they must buy new stuff every 6 months in order be "happy". The american consumuption capitalism doctrine. This doctrine is responsible for wasting 80% of raw materials for absolutely no other reason than maintaining an unrealistc, idiotic economic theory. The ones who wants this to go on, wants everything to end.

I have some ikea products I've been using for 13+ yrs and still going strong.
It's not the best, but it's got great filler products.
Nice setup... Except for the mac... Lol.

I've also got the fully adjustable aeron, but minus the chrome and one generation older which has the padded lumbar support vs the harness. Like the chair, but I mainly bought it at the time because it looked cool... This was probably 12 years ago, but the chair is still going strong. The place I was working at the time was actually in the process of swapping them all out with some even fancier more traditional chairs since too many people were complaining about them. I guess women tend to feel it is too cold.

The table is interesting... I've actually been looking for a nice home office table for quite some time. Most things with a modern look to it tend to just be ultra cheap. I ended up just using one of those giant l-shaped executive desks.... It does the job, but not quite the style I wanted. Now I gotta go check out Herman millers site to see if they have something similar, but a bit larger. Having just a desk sitting there just doesn't look right at home, but that's just me, and probably why I haven't found a desk I like for the past 5