New CCNA test on the horizon?


Fully [H]
Jan 20, 2002
Just a quick question.

Is there any word of CISCO planning to update the CCNA exam any time soon? I am going to start my studies soon and just wondering. I plan to get my CCNA within the next year so just making sure.
haven't heard of anything. I'm doing a CCNA bootcamp starting monday, so hopefully I'll have it within the next month or two.
My brothers uncle (different moms) told me that this summer Cisco is going to redo all the exams completely. The whole process was going to change. He just retired from Cisco this past November. I have no idea what his job entailed. He just mention that I would better off to take the test prior to summer. He did give me a little snippet about implementing a hands-on for a section of the test.

Now whether this is true or false, who knows. I just met him so I don't know if he is trust worthy.
Over at and other places it is rumored they are going to be making changes in the fall? anyone hear about this?
They are changing the CCNP tests end of July which makes me want to get my ass in gear and finish taking them. The CCNA tests (according to netacad) have no current plans of being changed.
I've recently heard this from a mate of mine too. I'll see if I can poke him for some more info.
Hrmm...perhaps I should fast track my CCNA this summer just in case...thanks for the heads up even if this doesn't prove to be factual.
Yeah the CCNP track is changing as of the 31st July.

It is going from a 4 exam track (BSCI, BCMSN, ISCW, ONT) to a 3 exam track (ROUTE, SWITCH and TSHOOT).

There are some people that are afraid of the changes but at the same time they are dropping some stuff that you will most likely never use (IS-IS routing!?) and at the same time pushing more into the likes of IPv6.

At the moment I am a week away from my ROUTE exam (you can already take the new exams, they are just overlapping for a while) and then hope to get the other two done within a couple of months :D
i guess it only makes sense to start pushing the IPv6 stuff. Out with the old and in with the new eh?
i guess it only makes sense to start pushing the IPv6 stuff. Out with the old and in with the new eh?

Exactly :) I was studying for the BSCI but changed to ROUTE as I dont like IS-IS and have never and probably will never use it whereas IPv6 I can see being quite a large part of the job in the coming years.
So I asked him about it, and it looks like he was talking about the CCNP path. Way to scare me mate! hahaha.

I think the rumors of the new CCNA are because it has been the trend in the past for CISCO to redo the CCNA shortly after the CCNP has been updated.
Umm CCNA already got updated once, from 3.1 to 4.0 aka Discovery. I know because I took the 3.1 exam the day before it expired. :p
Even if they update it...studying for the current one isn't a bad thing. Tests have to go through a beta period so it won't be a big shock and if you pass it today you're good for a while no matter what. No reason to put it off. Most of the CCNA is base knowledge that you'll need.
I think one of the big differences between 3.1 and 4.0 is IPv6, they didn't have it in 3.1, but they do in 4.0.