New case


Limp Gawd
Aug 29, 2005
Hey folks,

well its that time a year again, BOXING WEEK sales are in full effect ( the previews ) and this year I'm pretty excited. I'm looking at getting a new case and need some input as to what you all think of my current options... please weight in and let me know what you think,

Corsair obsidian 800D
Corsair Obsidian 650
Antec 1200
Thermaltake Level 10 GT ( white or black)

I'm looking at these specific cases because i like the options for cooling they offer, the overall cosmetics and the wire management for specifically the corsair series. I also like that that corsairs have the rubber wire management grommets, and the hot swap back on the Thermaltake Level 10 GT.

Right now I have an Antec does its thing, but i want a change and be able to have enough expansion for my future builds!

Merry Christmas all, and be safe
i assume you're going with air cooling? If so, i'd lean toward the 650 over the 800. Not really a fan of the antec or thermaltake. Have you considered any of the raven or FT02 cases from silverstone?
hey thanks for the reply. I think im with you on the Antec... they're pretty cliché for "gamers" IMO... I did look at Silverstone FT02 and ive considered it as well... and yes I am simply filling my case with air cooling.
Take a look at the Lian Li PC-AF71. I'm loving the clean styling.
that is a nice case lol I think i have to tie the knot somewhere though. I'm leaning towards the Corsair 650D.... if anyone has any experience with the Obsidian series id love to hear about it... I DO love the 800D, just seems like overkill for me if I don't plan on liquid cooling.
Out of those four options I'd go with the Corsair, but I think it's way overpriced for what it offers. I would go Lian-Li.
"but i want a change and be able to have enough expansion for my future builds!"

From your list I choose : Corsair Obsidian 800D!...Gives you everything you need plus extra space!
650D gets my vote. I just posted my build in the rigs thread if you want to check it out.