New build: XP x64 or Vista x64?


Aug 15, 2006
I'm in the process of a new build, and since it's going to have either 4GB or 8GB of RAM, I'm going to need a 64-bit OS to utilize all of it. I'm a huge XP fan so I'm leaning towards XP x64, but haven't decided anything yet. Since Windows 7 is not an option at the moment, what would be the better choice between XP x64 and Vista x64?
Vista x64.

* Mandatory 64-bit support.
* DX10
* Aero/gpu accelerated GUI
* Enhanced security with ASLR, DEP, Protected Mode IE, and UAC
* Enhanced support for running as standard user thru file and registry virtualization
* Media center (for home premium and ultimate editions)
* Better integration of search, search in the start menu.
* Play DVDs out of the box
* Improved stability due to moving a lot of driver code into user land
* Bitlocker, better color management, improved bundled apps.
* Faster
* etc.
BitLocker is Vista Ultimate only so, it's not just any old thing in any version of Vista, and it's not a major selling point since TrueCrypt is far more useful and popular - and free...

At this point, I would seriously suggest this:

Get Windows 7 Beta 1 and use it exclusively until it's out for sale. Skip Vista totally at this stage, and just run the beta - get a free beta key from Microsoft (still can through the 24th unless you already have one, hell, get a few) as your primary OS for the next few months. Windows 7 Beta 1 is everything on that list above and more...

Learn it inside and out, and don't think twice about doing it. There's no reason to spend a dime on Vista at this point if you're building a brand new machine considering that Windows 7 is so close to being complete, that it's freely available, and your feedback and input can only help make it even better.

There's no reason to spend a dime on Vista at this point if you're building a brand new machine considering that Windows 7 is so close to being complete, that it's freely available, and your feedback and input can only help make it even better.

Agreed...All the parts for my i7 rig should be here tomorrow and Win7 x64 is the only OS touching it. :D
So what would you be running on it until Windows 7 is released? Considering the cost of Vista, even the OEM license, there isn't any reason to avoid it right now. We still don't know how long it will be until Windows 7 is officially released, and what kind of issues will show up at that point. You could get an OEM license cheap, and use that for a year.
So what would you be running on it until Windows 7 is released? Considering the cost of Vista, even the OEM license, there isn't any reason to avoid it right now. We still don't know how long it will be until Windows 7 is officially released, and what kind of issues will show up at that point. You could get an OEM license cheap, and use that for a year.

Or just keep using Windows 7 and contributing to making it a better OS AND knowing just how well his machine will perform with the OS AND potential conflicts or issues AND just be a nice person helping out the effort to make Windows 7 a better OS for all of us. :D

Personally, I'm all for making it a better OS and giving a lot of feedback. I think I've sent in several hundred by now, with more on the way I'm sure. Besides, if a new beta comes out, and then a release candidate, why pay for Vista at this point and then pay again for Windows 7 when you can just skip Vista and run Windows 7 well into its release?

Who knows... people submitting bug reports just might get a bonus for their time and trouble... it's happened before... <hint, hint> ;)
Not that I am disagreeing with you, but all of that effort will result in the same thing. People loading up the forums to bitch about what doesn't work, and how Windows 7 sucks, and how it is slow and bloated. It's happened with each Windows launch I've been around for, and despite the fact that Windows 7 seems to be faster right now, it is still going to happen. Vista's betas worked great for me as well, but we still had all the same bullshit that we had with XP, 2000, 98, etc.
So instead of people doing all that bitching moaning whining and groaning about Windows 7 Beta 1, now we'll have to deal with people bitching moaning whining and groaning about other people not bitching moaning whining and groaning since they're not sending in the feedback to Microsoft but instead posting it on forums.

See how that works?

And yes, it will always happen. Was hoping that George Carlin quote I used to have in my sig would sink in... guess not. :D
So what would you be running on it until Windows 7 is released? Considering the cost of Vista, even the OEM license, there isn't any reason to avoid it right now. We still don't know how long it will be until Windows 7 is officially released, and what kind of issues will show up at that point. You could get an OEM license cheap, and use that for a year.

I have an XP x64 license to fall back on if MS ditches their public beta testers.

Personally, I like Win7 that much more to take the risk of having to do a complete OS+application reinstall.
And with an X58 mobo and GTX285 coming in, it's not like Win7 will be the only beta code on my system. ;)
Vista 64 works very well for me. I bounced back and forth between Vista and XP. After I got used to Vista, there is no going back honestly. As others have said, Win7 64 is a great Beta and worth installing for free. Download it and give it a look. I am going to use Vista 64 for a while, but I am sure that I will buy Win 7 when it is released.
If you're gaming, go Vista x64. If you're doing serious work (like programming or engineering) go XP x64
Ok you all sold me on win7 too, but can I download it tonite and install in in a couple weeks without blowing some deadline? (limited time etc). I havent ordered my hardware yet. :confused:
Windows 7 Beta 1 expires July 1st, 2009. There is another possible beta, but there's also an equal chance of us seeing Release Candidate 1 quite soon. Doesn't matter really, but... as long as you have Beta 1, you can run it till 7-1-2009 without issues, as long as you get a key and activate it.

But since either another beta or a release candidate is inevitable, you'd be grabbing that build when it comes down anyway and installing it, etc...
Thanks for the input guys. I had a feeling Vista 64 would be the way to go if I absolutely had to get an OS right now. I haven't tried the Win 7 Beta yet, but from what I have read from various sources it is definitely going to be better than Vista.

If you're gaming, go Vista x64. If you're doing serious work (like programming or engineering) go XP x64

Yes, I am into gaming...another thing I wasn't sure about with XP x64. Along with no DX10, I would suspect driver support would also be an issue on newer hardware too, since XP is on the way out now.

Btw- I have a copy of Vista Home Premium OEM, but it's x86...I have heard that you can install the same version in the x64 flavor and use your same OEM product key. I haven't tried it, but if that is the case I would have a x64 option until Win 7 goes RTM.
That is the case, as long as you have access to the x64 media. Your Home Premium key will work just fine on it.
Yes, I am into gaming...another thing I wasn't sure about with XP x64. Along with no DX10, I would suspect driver support would also be an issue on newer hardware too, since XP is on the way out now.

DirectX 10 availability is the biggie for gamers. Also, some games have installers that don't detect XP x64 as a valid operating system and have trouble installing.

On my home machine, I've gone back to XP x64 since the few games that I use (Fallout 3, X-Plane, Flight Simulator X, Age of Empires) all run just fine on XP x64. Plus, XP x64 plays more nicely with my engineering tools like Altium Designer and Xilinx ISE
Try Windows 7 for a bit, then switch to Vista 64.

The thought of using XP again makes me grit my teeth. It looks so OLD.
I'm in the process of a new build, and since it's going to have either 4GB or 8GB of RAM, I'm going to need a 64-bit OS to utilize all of it. I'm a huge XP fan so I'm leaning towards XP x64, but haven't decided anything yet. Since Windows 7 is not an option at the moment, what would be the better choice between XP x64 and Vista x64?

An alternative that could help tide you over until Windows 7 is released in full is Server 2008. Sever 2008 x64 really is Vista with the home stuff stripped off. You don't get Media Center or TV tuner capabilities. However, you do get pretty much everything else, including DX10, aero, wmp, etc etc. Gaming performance is exactly the same as vista x64. There are lots of guides on how to turn Server 2008 into a work station OS.

You can DL it for free from MS's site and run it unregistered for 3 months. There's no annoying popups or notifications. It's simply the real deal.

Otherwise, I would suggest using whatever you have that is free, until windows 7 comes out There's nothing wrong with Vista x64, but why spend the money now?
An alternative that could help tide you over until Windows 7 is released in full is Server 2008. Sever 2008 x64 really is Vista with the home stuff stripped off. You don't get Media Center or TV tuner capabilities. However, you do get pretty much everything else, including DX10, aero, wmp, etc etc. Gaming performance is exactly the same as vista x64. There are lots of guides on how to turn Server 2008 into a work station OS.

You can DL it for free from MS's site and run it unregistered for 3 months. There's no annoying popups or notifications. It's simply the real deal.

Otherwise, I would suggest using whatever you have that is free, until windows 7 comes out There's nothing wrong with Vista x64, but why spend the money now?

That's actually a good suggestion. My question on that is... is the driver support any different?
An alternative that could help tide you over until Windows 7 is released in full is Server 2008. Sever 2008 x64 really is Vista with the home stuff stripped off. You don't get Media Center or TV tuner capabilities. However, you do get pretty much everything else, including DX10, aero, wmp, etc etc. Gaming performance is exactly the same as vista x64. There are lots of guides on how to turn Server 2008 into a work station OS.

You can DL it for free from MS's site and run it unregistered for 3 months. There's no annoying popups or notifications. It's simply the real deal.

Otherwise, I would suggest using whatever you have that is free, until windows 7 comes out There's nothing wrong with Vista x64, but why spend the money now?

Wow. That actually is a very awesome idea. And you could just re-install it after the 3 months is over for another 3 months correct?
That's actually a good suggestion. My question on that is... is the driver support any different?

As I've said, exactly the same as vista x64. I'm not exaggerating.

Wow. That actually is a very awesome idea. And you could just re-install it after the 3 months is over for another 3 months correct?

Sarcasm noted. I was respecting the forum rules of not mentioning many extremely easy methods to extend the trial period, thus spanning the time until windows 7 arrives for purchase.
Wow. That actually is a very awesome idea. And you could just re-install it after the 3 months is over for another 3 months correct?

You just go register for another Server 2K8 trial and a new key, but it will require a reinstall, yes. It is possible to extend the Server 2K8 trial to 240 days, actually, with instructions provided by Microsoft themselves. You can discover that info in the details with the Server 2K8 trial during registration.
I got all my parts in yesterday. Got 'er built and Win7 x64 beta installed without a hitch, along with a pile of games & software. Time to get OC'ing!


The max CPU core temps listed were reached after 1 hour of Prime95 * 8 threads @ Bclk=166.

I now have Win7 as my primary OS on 3 machines. Joe Average, care if I steal your sig? :D
Not at all... I would guess a lot of folks care to do the same thing at this point. ;)