New build wont load windows


Limp Gawd
Jan 28, 2004
I just built a new pc with the following..

Gigabyte GA-EP45-DS3P
Intel Core 2 Duo E7400
Gainward GeForce GTX 260 Golden Sample
Corsair Dominator 2GB (2x1GB) DDR2 XMS2 PC2-8500C5
Antec TruePower 550W PSU
Windows XP OEM

It booted ok and I formatted and installed windows fine. When it rebooted and started to load windows it froze at the loading screen.

Since this happened last night I have tried the following thinsg to try to fix it...
  • Changed over memory and then swapped it with different memory also.
  • Swapped graphics card
  • Flashed BIOS to latest version
  • Tried a different Windows CD
  • Formatted and reinstalled windows now 4 times.

I read that some people has problems with Gigabyte boards but they were all resolved by updating the bios. This did nothing for me and now im completely out of ideas.

Please help :)
try loading Windows with one stick of ram, dont know what hard drive or hard drives u are using but post those specs too because that could be an issue. Set all your bios options too defult b4 installing windows, change boot priority correctly. How long did u wait for it to load windows b4 u gave up? Windows needs some time to configure your system upon first boot so it seems to hang your first time booting up. And depending on your config it can take a little while. Another option is to get a copy of windows 7 64bit from Microsoft burn it to a dvd and give that a try. I had problems with my gigabyte board with xp hung for awhile turned out my ide hard drive that i use for back up was holding up my install of windows. Also read the trouble shooting section
Run memtest overnight to test your RAM.
What model PSU is that? I can see its a truepower, but which truepower? 2.0? Trio? if its a 2.0, try another PSU -- the 2.0's were notorious for failing.
What mode is the SATA controller operating in? Native IDE mode? AHCI? RAID?
Well I have it fixed now. I decided to install windows vista from an oem cd and it worked no problem and has been working fine after several reboots.

Id still love to know why it didnt work on xp though because I prefer it over vista tbh...
Like enginurd pointed out, check the sata controller in the bios and see if it's set to AHCI. If Vista booted just fine and XP wouldn't, it makes sense that AHCI is enabled. XP doesn't support that feature but Vista/7 does.