New build so I can get porn off my work laptop... let me know what you think


Dec 26, 2005
This thread will be the same as every other "rate my build" thread so I apologize. At least I had a more interesting title than everyone else's though.

My last build was a Shuttle SN27P2 that I sold when I realized Shuttle wasn't going to support Phenom, and before that was back in the ASUS P4P Deluxe days with a P4 2.4C (remember when you could enable the "turbo memory mode" or something mode ot make your 865 board perform like a 875). It was a great board so that's my main concern on whether to stick with them or go with the ever popular Abit IP35 board. Anyways, here's what I've decided on. I'll pick a case later, but it'll probably be a Coolermaster of some sort.

CPU - Q6600 retail (Fry's special, should be here Wednesday)
Memory - GSKILL 2x2GB DDR2-800 CAS 5(was going to go Corsair since I've had good luck with them, but everyone here seems to love G.Skill)
Motherboard - ASUS P5K-E w/wireless or ABIT IP35 Pro
Video card - some flavor of 8800GTS 512MB, probably EVGA since they have treated me well in the past
Powersupply - Corsair 550VX or 520HX (Is modular worth the extra cash?)
DVD- doesn't matter
Harddrive - Seagate 7200.11 500GB drive

Anyways, have at it and please let me know what you think. BTW, do retail Intel CPU fans still use those thermal pads, or do I need to find what I did with my AS5?

Corsair tends to be overpriced at times. G.Skills are great.

You can't go wrong with either board.

Get the Corsair PSU from Modularity's worth is up to you. It may also depend on how clean you like the inside of your case, and which case you end up going with. Danny has a nice set of links to good cases you could check out. If he doesnt post it, just search for it.

For the DVD drive, Lite-Ons are loud, but Samsung's are quiet. Check out the SH-S203B or 203N.

For the HDD, go for the WD6400AAKS instead. Its much faster than the 'cuda.11 drive.

No, Intel got rid of thermal pads when Prescott hit the shelves and started burning up motherboards. While the retail HSF is adequate, you should definitely go for the ZEROtherm Nirvana so you could OC that Q6600. Its easy and should reach 3.0Ghz on stock voltage. If you cant find your AS5, get a new tube for $6, or try AC MX-2 instead.
I would go with the IPP35-Pro for a quad.

Get CAS4 ram instead of the CAS5, G.Skill is a fine choice.

EVGA certainly has fine cards but I would go with XFX due to the higher resale from transferable warranty.

I eould go with the 520HX. I will never go back to a normal PSU, modulars are that convenient.

I like the HD. The new WD's look nice but I have not seen enough from them to start recommending

I have a Lite-On burner. It is fast but pretty loud, go with a samsung.

Keep in mind you will need a 64bit OS to make use of all that ram.
YOu will not notice a difference between CAS4 and CAS5 latency, so go with the cheaper, CAS 5.
hehe... don't really have any porn stored on it (well maybe a little), but I don't like having anything non work related on my laptop just in case. I also miss playing games, so I need to get this new build going.

BTW, thanks for the replies. Between this and a mobo thread I posted I think I'll just go with the IP35-Pro. I'll decide on the case and am still undecided about modular versus regular PS, but hopefully I'll order first thing in the morning.

Thanks guys.
I back the WD drive...I've never once had a dead one come through a customer or die on me...but Ive been through many Seagates and Maxtors in fixing dead PC's...

Of course, thats just my personal experience, others may differ, but I recommend heartily.