New build mystery, need help


Dec 4, 2009
Just finished bulding a new rig, i5 750 cpu, Msi - p55 GD65 board, 4gb Patroit sector g 1600 mem, Evga 260 gtx with corsair tx 750 power, running windows 7. All seemed to be running great until I loaded Cyrostasis and tried to play it. Right away bios gives me long beep on and off while playing and stops as soon as I hit quit. I did a memtest on the memory and it check out good and windows says everything is fine. I also removed and reinstalled cards and memory and tried diffrent memory setting. Called Msi and Evga and they never heared of this problem, but tech at Evga says maybe electrical noise in card and I can RMA it. Before I do that was looking to pick the Communitys brains and see if anyone has run into this and has a fix. I don't want to send a good card back if I can help it.
And also I can play movies fine, no problem.
The only time I've heard anything similar to what you're experiencing is when I accidentally powered on my system after messing around with some stuff and forgetting to plug in the VGA power cables. The card makes a loud, extremely annoying beep until you shut the system down and plug in the power to the card. Perhaps the adapter on the card is faulty, or the actual pci power cable is faulty, or any number of other factors.
do you have another card that you can test? does that only happen during Cyrostasis or does it happen in all games?
I have 4 pci power cables and tried them all. Also bios says voltage is good. I wish I had another computer to test card with but I don't, all I have is a laptop. I haven't tried any other games yet, I'll do that and see what happens.
Ive heard a similar BIOS code before, when my mobo thought the CPU fan had died, although it just didnt get hot enough for it to spin, could it be the CPU getting to hot.
The system tells me it's running cool and the case air is cool too. It happens right away with that game, I have to go out buy another game that will work the card hard, see if it still does it. I just tried World of Warcraft and that was ok. Any thoughts on one that would test it hard?
Try isolating to a specific component. ie, GPU or CPU.

if it's testing the card hard, try the Furmark benchmark. It really loads up the GPU. As for testing CPU, try Prime95. Both are free.



If the alarms start going off in Prime95, you know you have a CPU problem of some kind. If it's furmark, well then most likely its a GPU problem (furmark does not completely rule out CPU tho)
Thanks, I'll give them a try.
I did try a different game today and the board beeped right away. I lowered the resolutions in the game options and the beep stopped.
Do you think that would make it more likly to be my video card?
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Yes +1

lowering the resolution enough would make the game less GPU dependent.... and more CPU dependent.

brainstorming here
some software temp/system monitoring programs have temp alarms that could cause a beep from the hardware speaker, same with BIOS temp monitoring. Also need to research if that motherboard can access the GPU temperature, that would do it too. A EVGA GTX260 has no speaker that I know of.
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It's either a faulty PSU or faulty graphics card. Unfortunately it's very difficult to determine which without a replacement for one or the other.
I ran Furmark and Prime 95. and things looked good running Prime 95 but as soon as I ran the Furmark test the beeping started right away. So I guess I'll be RMA the card to evga tomorrow. Thanks everyone for your help.
[H]ard|form is Awesome!!!
Ok, I found my problem, seems like I need a hearing aid. The beeping was from the backup power supply unit right next to the computer and not the computer. It's undersized for the computer and was not happy with the extra load of my new setup. It was a very dumb mistake on my part, 750w computer on a little UPS. :eek:
imo.. Cyrostasis is a HORRIBLE game..
uninstall it before it fragments your drive and cluters your registry
Awesome you figured it out that its not the 260, been there done that.......... F'in UPS"s :):):) and there rouge mysterious beeps :)
more than likely you were running a lower spec UPS than what your PSU wattage was. For this item i always go with a megawatt UPS since most PSU are below this power level.
Lower wattage is an under statement, I've had this ups forever. Never even gave it a thought when a built this system. My last desktop was a good 8 years old and I think that's when I got the ups. I've been using my laptop for a few years because the other is so slow. This new build is awesome compared to anything I've had. Now that I know what was beeping I'm going forward and add a second video card and run sli.
Thanks everyone for their input. :)