New B3 P67 Motherboards!


Apr 25, 2005
Okay, whether you got it as a replacement or bought it new from any available source, anyone that already has the new B3 P67/H67 motherboard, please chime in how it works (and differs from the old B2 if it is a replacement). Any speed difference, more stable, less stable, sleep issue, etc...etc...etc...
I've got my Asus P8P67 PRO B3 with i7 2600K up and running with no issues whatsoever. I didn't have any problems with my B2 Pro either.
I had returned my P8P67 Pro B2 to a local Microcenter early on and was lucky enough to grab a new B3 on Friday at Microcenter.
The new ones come with the 1305 UEFI installed and the only major change I can see in the bios is the option to disable Bluetooth, which is welcomed.
I don't overclock per se so I can't comment on OC stability. As far as the chipset goes I did check Intel site and they have a new P67 Chipset driver dated 03/03/2011 and I did install that.
I'm running Windows 7 Pro 64 with a WD Velociraptor 1500 in AHCI mode with latest Intel Rapid Storage Tecnology driver installed. Also just 4 GB of Crucial 1333 (PC-10600) 1.5v Ram.
I run my Pc stock with the least aggressive Ram is maybe why I havn't had problems with Sandy Bridge. I didn't think to take pics but the boxes are clearly marked B3 Stepping and the boards themselves have a sticker on the chipset heatsink clearly indicating it's a B3 Chipset.
Also from looking at the back of the board it certainly appears to be a brand new issue with no evidence of just the chipset being replaced. Oh also if you guys noticed the very loud 'post chirp' before, that would startle me out of my chair, thats definitely been toned down thankfully!
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I seem to have freezing issues whenever I enable Auto Spread Spectrum on DIGI + VRM Frequency
I've got my Asus P8P67 PRO B3 with i7 2600K up and running with no issues whatsoever. I didn't have any problems with my B2 Pro either.
I had returned my P8P67 Pro B2 to a local Microcenter early on and was lucky enough to grab a new B3 on Friday at Microcenter.
The new ones come with the 1305 UEFI installed and the only major change I can see in the bios is the option to disable Bluetooth, which is welcomed.
I don't overclock per se so I can't comment on OC stability. As far as the chipset goes I did check Intel site and they have a new P67 Chipset driver dated 03/03/2011 and I did install that.
I'm running Windows 7 Pro 64 with a WD Velociraptor 1500 in AHCI mode with latest Intel Rapid Storage Tecnology driver installed. Also just 4 GB of Crucial 1333 (PC-10600) 1.5v Ram.
I run my Pc stock with the least aggressive Ram is maybe why I havn't had problems with Sandy Bridge. I didn't think to take pics but the boxes are clearly marked B3 Stepping and the boards themselves have a sticker on the chipset heatsink clearly indicating it's a B3 Chipset.
Also from looking at the back of the board it certainly appears to be a brand new issue with no evidence of just the chipset being replaced. Oh also if you guys noticed the very loud 'post chirp' before, that would startle me out of my chair, thats definitely been toned down thankfully!

Can I ask which Micro Center location you got yours from and for how much?
Microcenter in Rockville, Md. I paid full retail $229 for it. I expect the price to come down before my 30 day price match is up though.
Why did you pay? Couldn't you just exchange it?

I had returned my B2 version earlier. Hey I wanted/needed the board and was happy to pay the $229 for it. From early reports on RMA progress it looks like things are getting messy anyway.
I have the P8P67 Pro B3, got it from Microcenter in Mayfield Heights, Ohio. I have the 2500k and temporarily installed Windows 7 on an old Raptor 74gb while I wait for the new SSDs to come out. I'm going to swap out the stock heat sink when I put an SSD in. Stock settings this thing works perfectly. 1305 Bios (UEFI).
Argh, I still can't find B3 boards available online anywhere. I'm hoping that today Amazon or Newegg get them in. I could drive 6+ hours to the nearest microcenter, but that just seems crazy.. At least I'm on spring break so I don't have much else to do during the day....
I'm in the process of specing out 2 builds right now. One for my dad, one for me. We both want to game, we're both on a tight budget. He's coming from a frigging P4....I'm coming from a c2d e6400...I'm excited about SB, but seeing as mobo's are scarce...I dont know...I'm tempted to build up a couple of phenom II systems on the cheap and just wait till the smoke clears. What do you guys think?
Yea the microcenter where i live have no 1155 motherboards. Kind of hoping they resume the combo prices. Oh well will check again later today :)
They're all (Deluxe's too) starting to hit stock in places online. Just ordered mine!
microcenter in houston had a few boards today AND they lowered their prices back down on the cpus!!!!

just popped over and got myself a p8p67 pro with a 2600k as well as a p8h67-m le with a 2500k for a htpc build.
I doubt you're going to see the B3 boards on NewEgg quickly. They're taking care of all the replacements first as far as I can see.
BOOM! Tracking # sent on my Deluxe! Wooot! Thought this day'd never come.
I'm beginning to wonder is Intel knew of the flaw long before they announced it. Doesn't it seem like these chips were replaced a lot faster then anyone anticipated? I wonder if the replacement chips were being respinned long before the official announcment.
Newegg has these in stock NOW. MSI P67A-GD65 (B3) as of 11:30 AM pacific.

I'm guessing they wont last long
Bloody Hell I want to start selling the Asrock P67 Extreme6 again. I want to return my p8p67 pro to N-C-I-X and buy the Asrock instead.
Bloody Hell I want to start selling the Asrock P67 Extreme6 again. I want to return my p8p67 pro to N-C-I-X and buy the Asrock instead.

Been waiting for the extreme6 as well! Seems like they are one of the last ones to get their inventory going :(
Ugh. I see that MSI GD65 available on Newegg... but I just really want the Asus p8p67 Pro or Deluxe. Some shmuck on Amazon is selling the Pro 3rd party for $25 more than Amazon's price.... I'm just going to wait till I get back from vacation before pulling the trigger on a board... if they even have them in stock anywhere by then....
i have the deluxe, and some minor issues aside, its hands down the best board i have ever owned....and ive owned some serious boards...
Bloody Hell I want to start selling the Asrock P67 Extreme6 again. I want to return my p8p67 pro to N-C-I-X and buy the Asrock instead.

Why are you switching to the asrock extreme 6 just wondering why not stay witht he pro?