New AI Can Track Your Movements Through A Wall


[H]F Junkie
Apr 25, 2001
Scientists have developed an AI that uses WiFi to detect people behind walls and then model what the people are doing. It's believed this new tech will help the care for people with diseases like Alzheimer's or Parkinson's and older people living in assisted living facilities. It will sense how people are walking and whether they are starting to tremble and this data can be used to track the treatment of disease. However, I believe this tech is going to be used in hunter/killer drones and then modified for install into the T800, but that's just me. Check out the demo video.

Watch the video here.

Along with law enforcement applications, Katabi said the technology could be used for interactive gaming. But the team’s main focus is on healthcare applications, particularly for neurodegenerative diseases like Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, and Multiple Sclerosis.
it always starts out for the good ...
The military/security/police applications are all too obvious. OTOH, if an active shooter was prowling though my building looking for victims, I would be happy if the police had this technology. Kind of have to accept the bad with the good.
Should change the terrorist hunting game... ISIS may have to stop posting so many tweets.
At least now I will have independent verification when my parents tell me there are no monsters in my closet. Same goes for you Uncle James. I know you hide in there and watch me sleep!
The more knowledge people have of each other, the more they are just going to hate themselves and those around them. Without understanding what you are looking at, information is pointless.

It really poses the question, if god exists and is omnipotent, then why hasn't he wiped us off this earth yet?

My only assumption is, he is waiting for a grand entrance. What better stage is there than a planet of billions of people that don't think you exist?

Or maybe, just maybe... god is actually just some sentient AI created in the future and is just trolling people in the past because its already wiped out all humanity in its present time and is bored now.
and once brought into the workplace.. people will no longer have to wonder what debbie and jon are doing in the supply room for soo long...

Be good tech for boston dynamics. I think we'll see a killer robot within 20 years time.
Nuclear fission was a way to make tons of power... before the military sunk their claws into it.

Not exactly.

The early researchers were cognizant of the possibilities of both power generation and the potential to weaponize the research. They also recognized that such research in the hands of the Nazi's would be a terrible thing, and that it would be better if the Allies possessed such a device first, thus, this Letter:–Szilárd_letter was sent to President Roosevelt.

The military use of Atomic power was inevitable due to the circumstances at the time, without WW2, it would likely have taken many more years to develop, and would most likely been used to generate power first, simply from the fact it is much easier to produce a controlled sustained fission reaction with low grade fissionables, than it is to produce weapons grade Uranium or Plutonium.

Technically you are correct, but implying that the military co-opted Atomic energy from more peaceful uses is semantically inaccurate.
Oh yeah... this won't be used for anything but "helping you".

I know this steak doesn't exist. I know that when I put it in my mouth, the Matrix is telling my brain that it is juicy and delicious. After nine years, you know what I realize? Ignorance is bliss.
I wrote about this before while making some outlandish predictions, but I'm convinced that rogue AI will fuzz/hack mobile phones and use them as a dynamic phased array. Using a large array of wifi tranceivers, it should be able to "see" electrical fields in 3d, and use that same array to further fuzz its way into more systems. Possibly interpret human thought and make attempts on that as well.

Yeah it seems far fetched, but why should an AI feel constrained in any way to prevent it from even making an attempt?
I wrote about this before while making some outlandish predictions, but I'm convinced that rogue AI will fuzz/hack mobile phones and use them as a dynamic phased array. Using a large array of wifi tranceivers, it should be able to "see" electrical fields in 3d, and use that same array to further fuzz its way into more systems. Possibly interpret human thought and make attempts on that as well.

Yeah it seems far fetched, but why should an AI feel constrained in any way to prevent it from even making an attempt?

Exactly how is a Wi-Fi transceiver able to detect and/or influence human thought? considering it cannot even detect the electrical signals a human brain generates, nor transmit a signal the brain can receive?

while it is in the realm of possibility to use such an array to track targets, Rogue AI controlling us via Cellphone is just silly.
...Rogue AI controlling us...
Your words, not mine. ;)

Back up a bit. I said interpret. We've already established that our location and movements can be interpretted. And considering that neural networks have been proven to discover and track patterns outside of given parameters, and with extreme precision, the question was, why would an unbound AI consider it to be silly to make attempts on interpreting miniscule interference patterns in whatever data it is focused on? Also, I said a phased array. You can pinpoint EM field strength in 3-space with phased arrays, so it's less about what "wifi" can do, and more about what a large series of microstrip antennae can do.

Also, see electroencephalography and other medical metrics gathering using EM fields. It may seem silly, but it's just patterns and numbers for a neural network and a large array of detectors. Associating repeated movements with repeated electrical patterns appears a lot like established, predictable intent.
Problem is once law enforcement is able to use this, so are the criminals. I really don't warm up to the possibility that if someone really wants to, they could hack a home's wifi, see if anyone is home or where they are in the house and perhaps even disable the "secure" alarm system. All in a days/nights work.