New AGP Card or Invest in a new system

Ok guys thanks for all of the input and help. I just placed the order. Decided on the 7900GT as I am a bit more comfortable with Nvidia and it was a good bit cheaper. Should be in sometime next week and I can't wait.
midlife chav said:
How old are you like 12?

No, but judging by the way you type I'm guessing I'm much older then you.

google the word fool you see a pic of CHAoS_NiNJA

Actually, I come-up somewhere when you google the phrase "People who know what the fsck they're talking about", but thanks for playing. :)

And yes, Met-AL is correct. Please use proper typing skills / etiquette next time you make a post.

Anyway, fine choices Epsilon, even though I'm going to have to disagree on the RAM. XMS isn't all its cracked up to be. Sure, it looks pretty, but my Kingston Value clocks and times just as well as his XMS stuff that cost 3x as much. I say just get some good value RAM and save some bucks....unless you plan on overclocking. In which case, you should find some decent stuff with a higher speed rating.

...and you know, now that I think about it, Socket AM2 just came out. Why not buck up and get that? Its not too much more.
Spike23 said:
Well you have an agp 4x =[
I wouldn't even bother upgrading AGP...
might as well get a new com all together and this time around, buy wisely the parts.

APG 4x is not so big of a "trouble" in today games as people tend to make it...

Terra - AGP4x and a Gainward 7800GS fine ;)