New 2405FPW Firmware.


Mar 21, 2005
I just received a new replacement 2405FPW which has V 1.8 of the software (previously 1.3). Anyone know what new features or improvements are included in this release?
TehQuick said:
Do a search, there was a discussion on this precise matter :rolleyes:

I'm in the same position, and I think the 1.8 firmware is better about handling low-quality input signals. My v1.3 couldn't properly display a VGA signal from my laptop (Dell Tech support said it wasn't compatible --- yeah right), but it works fine on my new v1.8. I think it may be related to the component issue some people found too.
TehQuick said:
searh in the main thread for 2405 or just search "2405 firmware" :rolleyes:

There are three posts with "2405 firmware" in it. One being this thread, another being a two post thread, and another being a 1,987 post thread.

Perhaps you should take your own advice, and search. Its not very useful, and I know I wouldnt want to look thru a one thousand, nine hundered, and eighty seven post thread. But thats just me.

Is this where I add the :rolleyes: to be rude like you?
uhm, there is also search this thread option. I found an answer in 3 sec. How long its gonna take u? :rolleyes: And I am not being rude. I am being patient. U, on the other hand, are rude.
Being patient is rolling your eyes at someone, who is asking for help? No, sorry, its not. Stop being rude, at actually help someone whos asking for it.

It would have taken you less time to give him a link to the thread, and tell him how to search the thread, instead of replying three times, and rolling your eyes. <-- fact

But by all means, continue with the eye rolling.
instead of arguing with me, why dont you do what u want me to do and help them? :rolleyes: If u say I don't help, well, do what u consider being "help" :p
Possibly being able to play DVD's through component without Macrovision interference? But it's pretty much useless playing DVD's that way anyways since the monitor can't scale 16:9 aspect correctly through component. People also say the monitor warms up instantly with 1.8v but when my monitor first comes out of stand-by it takes a few moments to come into full brightness, the same when I switch through different input signals with different settings.