Networking dongle?


Limp Gawd
Nov 21, 2004
Since my desktop is in my room and the router/cable box is in the living room, right now I use my macbook to connect ethernet to ethernet to my desktop, so I was wondering if there is a wifi to ethernet stand alone device I could buy?

(Main comcast stuff is in the living room.. been without cable tv for such a long time that I don't know how this works to hook it up to my room, will have to investigate if I need a new box or something to hook up my tv coming in, and possibly my router? I used to have at&t and only one router/box in one room).

Wait, so your desktop is hard-wired to your modem/router or is it wireless? Your Macbook, how does it connect to the internet? I'm a bit confused on how everything is connected.
If you are connecting your Mac via wifi to your router and then bridging that to the desktop, then the easiest solution is to just buy a USB or PCIe wifi adapter. While wireless bridges are available (and is what you wanted), they're more expensive and won't really give you any benefits unless you plan on connecting it to a switch and then multiple devices.
Wifi Router = in different room

I connect my macbook to the router via wifi. I connect the macbook to my desktop via ethernet.

so it looks like this:


I don't have enough room to do a pci wifi which I think I still have laying around somewhere.

The macbook is nice since I can authenticate it via wifi with my router, then the pc gets just straight ethernet.

So usb to wifi? Probably need to get a new usb splitter =-/. I have a usb ethernet somewhere, now need to think if I ever got a wifi one... been away for a while from the PC world.

Hopefully I can find a usb/wifi that is both linux and windows friendly.

That should work, thanks.
Found this little guy:

Looks like it will do the trick.

Now regarding TV and comcast, maybe you guys will know too:

Since I didn't setup the comcast cable tv stuff but have ordered a hdtv for my room.. what should I expect to get all the channels in my room? Need to call comcast and pay for some box? Can I just plug in the tv straight into the cable wall via those old school cables?

Sorry, not a big tv guy but since everyone is all into hdtv stuff these days I thought I'd get into it.
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Yes. You will want a USB wireless adapter. A PCI card is better but if you don't have room in your computer USB will be fine.