network problem

German Muscle

Supreme [H]ardness
Aug 2, 2005
i got broad band today, its great. My mom and i are wanting to share it. i went out and bought a Linksys EZXS55W 5 port switch a 50 foot network cable and cable ends. I wired it all up and the switch isnt doing anything. all im getting is the power LED. Connect the cable from the modem to the computer and its fine. but the switch wont acknowledge anything. Any ideas? I read the manual after it didnt work and it sucks. its very general. I tried unplugging the modem and the switch while it was all setup and replugging them back in and got nothing.
Are you usgn a router, you pretty much have to to share your connection. Have you tested it with premade netowrk cable? have you tested your NICs on known workign switches?
no, im trying to plug the cable modem into the uplink on the switch. My cables work cause ive tested most of them.
I would go through configuring of the switch with it's software before hooking it up to the broadband.
German Muscle said:
no, im trying to plug the cable modem into the uplink on the switch. My cables work cause ive tested most of them.

wait all you are using is a switch? you need to hook your modem up to a router, then to the switch, the switch just switches packets around, you need a router to share connections, give out IP's etc
marcusj3000 said:
I would go through configuring of the switch with it's software before hooking it up to the broadband.
There is nothing like that. ITs a switch, power adapter, Product reg card, and the manual

AMD_Gamer said:
wait all you are using is a switch? you need to hook your modem up to a router, then to the switch, the switch just switches packets around, you need a router to share connections, give out IP's etc
Yeh i was told this a while ago by my brother. Guess i haft to take this damn thing back and get a router. :mad: