Network issues and Security question


Sep 13, 2004
First off, not much too it but my connection dies every 5mins for somethings but not others. Like downloading various items, which went smoothly but then internet browsing was shot like I would pretty consistently get server not found. Really just confused as to how one item works where as in a different situation it wont work.
Second off, anyway to protect a 64bit OS cause AVG wont go on my compy at least when i tried a month or so ago. Have no money to purchase software, so am i just sorta down the creek heading towards a massive waterfall with no way to turn around because of my inability to find a 64bit virus scanner similar to AVG.
For your first questions: If you are connecting through a router, I would recommend making sure you have all current drivers. I had this problem when I had older drivers for my linksys router.

Unfortunately I can't be of any help with your second question.
accessdenied said:
For your first questions: If you are connecting through a router, I would recommend making sure you have all current drivers. I had this problem when I had older drivers for my linksys router.

Unfortunately I can't be of any help with your second question.

Drivers? Don't you mean firmware?

What kind of router do you have? You using wired or wireless?

I think Nod32 has a 64-bit version (Nod64 dare I say?) and maybe Avast.

Edit: There you go, right to the 64-bit part. Scroll down to d/l.