Network cable constantly switches from plugged/unplugged


Apr 28, 2002
I have two Windows 2000 boxes with an Intel Pro 100/S NIC connected to a HP ProCurve 408 Switch. Earlier this afternoon, Windows started switching between "Connected to LAN" and "Network Cable Unplugged" messages every few seconds.

From what I can tell, the cable from the NIC to the switch are secure, I have tried switching the cable to different ports (each time the Switch port light blinks, meaning its picking up some kind of traffic from the cable). I have disabled/enabled the network connection a few times, a reboot failed to pick up the connection, and I've followed the Troubleshooting/FAQs for the 408 switch. I'm now looking up network docs for W2k.

I am still unsure if the problem resides in the NIC, the cable, the switch, or with Windows 2000. Does anyone know a reason why Windows would constantly detect and lose a network connection that has been working fine for the past few months?

Thanks for the help!
That's what I'm thinking as well, but what could make two cables fail around the same time, when nothing was done to/with/etc them at the time?
I've had the problem occur from time to time, and yeah seems to occur around the same time. Whether could be the weather or something strange like that? Had to recable my entire network last week, pain in the arse! But worth doing :p
Mine is/was doing this are you usign cheep cable Its bound to be the problem!

I wasn't the one to intially network them, so I don't know what the quality of the cables are.

Recabling is gonna be a bitch, but I can't find any other reason for the sudden problems. Thanks for help guys!
Status update: I switched out one of the cables with one I know that I know is good, and the computer went from constantly unplugged back to switching between plugged/unplugged. So I'm pretty sure this is one of those 20% situations...
We had the onboard NIC crap out on one of my clients machines.
Did the cable swapping thing and finally popped in a PCI NIC and all was good.
Yep, tried a reboot and a uninstall/reinstall of the NIC through the Device Manager. I'm gonna try sacrificing a goat next, to see if that works. :)
how about power? in my dorm room i have a switch plugeed in to the same circuit as my fridge.. everytiem the compressor cycles off the same message pops up.
I would have thought that would cause the tripswitch to go. Still fridges draw a lot of juice, you need more sockets.
Originally posted by GavinJCD
I would have thought that would cause the tripswitch to go. Still fridges draw a lot of juice, you need more sockets.

I did the math out, I'm well below the limit for the circuit. Its the fact that my switch is overly sensitive to small changes in voltage. By watching my smart ups monitering stuff, I can see a bump of about 2V when the fridge shuts off, same time the connection "dies"
Originally posted by UralTerpsichore
Earlier this afternoon, Windows started switching between "Connected to LAN" and "Network Cable Unplugged" messages every few seconds.

Go into the configuration of the Network card and UNcheck the box for allowing the PC to power down the NIC and see if that helps.
could be a speed or duplex problem. I've seen that happen when you set 100 megabit on a cable that only does 10. Try forcing 10 and half duplex, see what happens.
