network analyzer


Nov 5, 2002
I'm looking for a good network analyzer program aka sniffer so I can monitor the traffic on my network and find out which is the one that pushes out and downloads the most data. any idea or suggestions on programs to use. And it would help if it was easy enough so non techs can use it to tell the network traffic as well.

Thanx. :D
A sniffer won't really tell you who is downloading the most data, as sniffers are a way to look at network traffic live. I would look for more like a network analyzer, however I don't know of a product that can view network usage across a network from a client. What kind of router do you have? If you use a computer for a gateway, you could maybe install something on that, as all internet traffic flows through it.
NetBoy by NDG is pretty cool.... they have a free demo you can download and check out.
The router that we use here is a Cisco 2600. the setup is one router 2600 6 switches. cisco 3550xl and a firewall that sets up NAT out through a single IP number. and yes most firewalls should be able to tell me the throughput and the machine that is causing the problem but of course the firewall here doesn't tell me. And I will look into that analyzer. thanx
Many business class firewalls can monitor bandwidth by computer/user/IP if asked to do so. Watchguard and SonicWall come to mind for those. SOHO routers need not apply.
You many use Colasoft Capsa to analysis your network.

New Updated Expert Packet Sniffer and Protocol Analyzer

Packet Builder, Packet Player, Ping Tool and MAC Scanner
Active Matrix View
Dynamic Physical, IP, TCP and UDP conversations between pairs of endpoints
Real-time packet decoding
Expert network diagnosis module
Summary statistics, endpoints statistics and protocols statistics
Analysis logs including email messages, FTP transfers, HTTP requests and DNS
Multiple charts and options to display statistic information
Statistic reports
wuzzzy said:
The router that we use here is a Cisco 2600. the setup is one router 2600 6 switches. cisco 3550xl and a firewall that sets up NAT out through a single IP number. and yes most firewalls should be able to tell me the throughput and the machine that is causing the problem but of course the firewall here doesn't tell me. And I will look into that analyzer. thanx

Solarwinds Network Performance Monitor, tho' thats a little pricey for your setup.