network adapter items in device mgr


Jun 7, 2004
the office i work at has a wireless network that i've been trying to join but no luck so far.

i just installed a wifi-g card by linksys in my lappy running xp pro. after the install, in device mgr, the icons for the wifi card all have exclamation points. when i click on any of them, the status says "cannot laod the device driver. driver may be corrupted or missing". i installed the drivers straight from the linksys cd.

then i noticed a bunch of other network adapter items installed that i don't have. the network guy there said that i may need to get rid of those b/c the lappy may be confused w/ all the other nework adapters installed. so, i try uninstalling them and they won't totally uninstall. they just become 'disabled' and have the red X over the icon. the one's listed are "direct parallel" and 5 different "WAN Miniports".

bwt, i'm using dell inspiron 7500.

anyone run into this before? how do i get rid of those totally? what do i do about the drivers?
right click on my computer
go to properties
go to the hardware tab
click device manager
click network adapters
then select them and hit delete
it should delete all the network adapters..
then you can restart click cancel when it finds the new devices.. and install the wifi from the cd..
did that and still not working. the status of the wireless-g adapter says something to the effect that the driver isn't loaded, but under driver version it displays the most current driver.

i called linksys and the rep thought it may be a defective card. i took it out and tried it on another lappy. installed fine.

i'm wondering if it has to do w/ all the other network devices installed. i tried uninstalling them be it saying that the items may be needed for booting up. can i get to these thru 'regedit' and delete from there?

i'm at a loss here...
can you find the wireless card in the device manager?

try updating the driver with the one on the cd.
BriguyNJ said:
can you find the wireless card in the device manager?

try updating the driver with the one on the cd.

yeah, you can see the card but it has the exclamation point over the icon and the device status says that the driver can't be loaded. i tried updating the driver w/ the one on the cd (which is how it was installed originally anyway) but no luck.

i may just go the 'extreme' route and reformat if i have to!
Is "Block Unsigned Drivers" enabled?
System Properties > Hardware Tab > Driver Signing button