Netgear wgt624 wake on lan (network gurus?)


Limp Gawd
Feb 3, 2008
Hey all. I've had my Netgear wgt624 v3 for a while and it is fully setup (lots of mac addresses, designated ips, port forwarding, etc) and working superbly but I have one thing I cannot get it to do. I am trying to get "wake on lan" functionality working so that I can turn on my computer remotely and access it. You know I have to keep busy at work ;-). Anyway, as I understand it, I need to setup udp port 9 to port forward to I guess this is the broadcast address for the subnet? Anyway, the javascript only allows you to submit a value up to 254. I tried disabling javascript to submit but this doesn't work at least in version 3 which is the latest firmware. Any ideas what I might do? Anyone been able to make this work in some fashion? I'd rather not depend upon a computer in the network being on all the time.
It's called Wake-On-Lan, not Wake-On-Wan, not matter how much many ports your forward.
where did you get the wake on wan from???? I put wake on lan everywhere I think??? I never said it had to do with forwarded ports. I don't want to switch routers since I have so much stuff setup. I need to know how to broadcast from this router. That is the point. Hoping for a competent reply...
Not recommended. It will wake up and sleep constantly once others find out. Just leave one machine one all the time when you are at work.
where did you get the wake on wan from???? I put wake on lan everywhere I think??? I never said it had to do with forwarded ports. I don't want to switch routers since I have so much stuff setup. I need to know how to broadcast from this router. That is the point. Hoping for a competent reply...

Because the only smart way to use NAT is from WAN to LAN, do you have more routers/DHCP-servers on the same net?
Isn't that the point of the magic packet though? The mac address repeats something like 16 times so that should be unique. You open one port (udp 9) to allow that magic packet to be broadcasted. I wouldn't think I'd get lots of wake and sleep going on since it should be unique. Besides that I believe you can append some security password trailing it if that ever was a problem. I'd really like to try to broadcast it if anyone here can help me set this up. If the thing is constantly waking up then I'll know it isn't a good solution but I'd still like to try it since it should be possible.
If you really want to do this, get rid of your old router and look for routers that can load Openwrt. Ssh into the router and send WOL packets to that machine. Also, don't ever try to login to your router from outside. All these home routers don't support SSL, so any average Joe with a sniffer can grab your password.