Netgear GS108v3 Slow


Limp Gawd
Sep 16, 2007
I have my house wired with cat 5. Was messing around with stuff and realized my netgear 1gb switch is running VERY slow. I have cable modem connected to a buffalo wifi router connected to the gs108. It had been working fine as far as I know. To rule out the wiring i connected my laptop straight into the switch, still super slow on When connected straight into the buffalo router either wired or wireless, speed was great. ~20mbps vs like 3-5mbps on the switch. Oddly to me though the upload rate was about the same on both, not sure why that would be.

I tried power resetting everything and it still is the same. Has the switch gone bad? I also have every port connected. The first port is auto uplink so that is connected to the router, the rest are connected to various rooms in the house but all are not necessarily in use. I really only need 2 xboxs and the upstairs pc connected by wire so I could just use the router instead of the switch, just curious that it would be so slow.

Any ideas?