Netflix Coming To The Wii

I have the xbox running the netflix in the living room and the wii streaming in the kids room so im excited about this I would like to be able to stream the netflix directly to the wii without playon in the middle.
Has netflix said they will be using flash for their streaming video. I see thread crapping on the assumption that 1.)they are using flash 2.)it don't work well with youtube.

My personal experience with mariokart is fantastic, Ive played many many times with friends and family and people all over the world without the slightest problem. I also have multiple phone lines run over voip, a wow addict for a roommate who raiding at all times of the day and my sister watching tv over my slingbox. If there was a precident for any lag problems i imagine they should have shown themselves by now. I can't wait to see how well it works.
A value add? netflix is free on the web, and should be on the xbox. I pay for the broadband and for netflix, its not their place to force me to pay for XBL just to access netflix when I can access it for free on almost any other medium:rolleyes:

I felt the same way when i bought my first Xbox 360 just 2 days ago specifically so i could stream netflix to my new TV. The bonus was i could play games that i liked too if i wanted. However, i felt completely ripped off when i paid $50 for a years of Xbox Gold just to download a 4Mb application that uses no resources from Microsoft.

I may have needed the "Gold" Subscription later on but i found no use for it right now since i dont even play games on it and the primary reason was not to pay for a Roku box but to pay a little more and get something i may use in the future especially when Natal arrives.

I'm sorry for the rant but i was seriously considering a Wii but lack of HD is a deal breaker and the cost of a PS3 is still too much considering i have no intention of buying anything Blu-Ray with streaming video becoming higher definition, lower cost and immediately playable.
Has netflix said they will be using flash for their streaming video. I see thread crapping on the assumption that 1.)they are using flash 2.)it don't work well with youtube.

My personal experience with mariokart is fantastic, Ive played many many times with friends and family and people all over the world without the slightest problem. I also have multiple phone lines run over voip, a wow addict for a roommate who raiding at all times of the day and my sister watching tv over my slingbox. If there was a precident for any lag problems i imagine they should have shown themselves by now. I can't wait to see how well it works.

Flash is the only format support the wii has, unless they plan on majorly overhauling its firmware (doubtful). So that pretty much narrows it down. You can see what you want, but that doesn't make it thread crapping. It is a logical guess based on the known capabilities of the wii.