NES Classic Edition Teardown

Wow politics in a nintendo thread...

And no.. his comment had nothing to do with him thinking people were stupid. Rather it was about people not knowing or wanting to custom build/hack a retro game system.

People make this choice every day millions of times, you included. Do you make everything from scratch? I highly doubt it. Quite honestly you can't, we don't have enough time in the day to do everything ourselves. Heck it might cost some people MORE to setup the "free" retro gaming rig. Heck if it takes me 2 hours to figure it out then I lost money.

I build my own computers but don't change my automotive oil. I mow my own lawn but hire out furnace maintenance. Why? cause while I certainly could learn how to do many things for less $$, I choose to pay for it to be done so I can save time and use it on things I DO LIKE.

I completely agree someone that doesn't realize that people value things differently, could be "stuck in their little bubble". One may value building a retro system on their own, while others are willing to pay for one pre-made. Sure pointing out similar systems for cheaper is helpful but that is nothing new either...

I have to disagree on the top point of your post. I think when one instantly writes "People are so fake" doesn't exactly suggest people are stupid, but that people obviously aren't as "real" as him...or of a lesser value. It immediately discredits most of what he's written afterwards in my honest opinion because quite frankly being "Real" doesn't mean you have to label or be a dick. Rather start an point like "I don't see the reason for this when emulation has been around for 20 years. I rather spend my own money making something better".

Concerning your second point, I wrote exactly about that above. You hit the nail on the head. In my 20's I would of whined and complained about BIG corporate asking for money when I could spend my time and 5x the money to do it slightly better. But now in my 30s, a father, and also busy with other shit like mantaining a house and a personal business...$60 for a nicely done package like this from Nintendo is nice as hell.
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99% of these will collect dust after an hour (at most) of usage. You know it's true.

I have an actual Famicom somewhere. Do you want it? I am not using it. Nestopia is 10x better. Love me some Dr. Mario with the wife. There are countless brand new Famicom clones still being sold to this day of which Nintendo is very aware as they pay license fees. Same with SEGA Mega Drive machines.

Unless you didn't know about those, you're posers in this particular case. If pointing that out makes me immature, then so be it. I never take shit from adults anyway.

Why do you care so much what others do with their money? You are the true poser thinking that everyone should know everything that is out. Please keep your opinion to yourself, because it is literally worth less than all the illegal roms you suggest using.

If you weren't a poser you would send Nintendo a letter with all your real information telling them you are using illegal roms, so they can sue the crap out of you.
I love how wanting to buy an official Nintendo product to support the company and have a hassle free device somehow makes me a poser.

Whatever. I guess anyone that buys PC games are also posers because they should be smarter and just pirate everything. Shit, using cracked executables and .dll sideloaders also makes you a poser. You should be writing your own microcode and making your own crack. Anything else makes you a poser.
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pretty cool tear down video. I already see a hack of sorts that fits under the "just because i can and want to do it" hack hehe. I'd yank those proprietary controller sockets and open the control pad and go usb cable and ports. I know they sell wireless but I enjoy this kind of modding and tinkering.

I completely agree. This system definitely begs to be modded. Everything just has phillips screws on it, all of the cables were simply connected with plugs on each end. I'd actually expect to see someone market replacement cables for that controller, since it's a whopping 6 screws with a regular screwdriver and you can just pop the plug off the board. What I'm much more interested in is how long it will take someone to attempt to desolder the memory module off the mainboard, and see if they can trick the system into loading other roms. If the processor on that board is a proper replication of the original, this might actually be one of the best solutions for a true replacement system. If it's a true dedicated replacement, it shouldn't suffer from some of the emulator quirks.
Don't understand the elitist attitudes towards this thing. I have an htpc setup that will launch any game from any emulator all from 1 easy screen. Easy enough for me to setup but for most people it wouldn't be worth the hassle to make a plug and play system that requires 0 m&kb inputs to setup and play.

This is perfect for the average person who can't set this up but want that retro game station, even if it's a limited selection.
Bingo. When I was 20 I thought differently then now in my 30s. Convenience for under $100? Worth it every fucking time. I'm sure younger me would find every excuse why this is wrong. Older me realizes though shit this is done nice enough for me to spend the expendable income and be entertained by it for a bit.
With emulators I can play all NES games off any PC, including RaspberryPI, and take less storage than the Facebook APP from the Windows 10 store. I also have save states, so I can save where I left off. For what would take you 10 minutes of your time to learn and setup. Especially if you use something like RetroArch, which makes it simple to organize and play your Retro games.
You can get another one for 10 bucks on Craigslist.

It's the games that add up.

that is what the Everdrive is cart, an SD card, roms, and go....

It really is just a device for the Nintendo fans boys to jizz over and the speculators to toss on ebay for $$$.

I bet most of these end up staying in the box as collectors items. Once the retro craze ends...people really won't care much about these things or any of the older video cards until the next retro craze starts.
But nintendo decided it wanted to have a "no one can find it" system for this year and congrats to them. They would have been better off with a "system that makes them a ton of money" vs "a system where the buzz around it is no one can find it" .

At my store we had 78 people call or show up asking for it yesterday. We got 6 in to sell. At 60$ a pop, that's over 3 grand in sales they lost because, well, because. Yeah, that makes since.

The joke can be made that Nintendo wanted to emulate the 1985 by not allowing pre-orders. :mad:

As far as I can see, this is an artificially-induced shortage. Make the NES the hard-to-get toy that parents want to get for Christmas. Because... marketing. Also, this is the company that had the underperforming Wii-U.

The answer is simple.... I'm not playing. I'm going to wait until January (or later) where the prices are more sane. Let the other people pay the hyper-inflated prices.
I completely agree. This system definitely begs to be modded. Everything just has phillips screws on it, all of the cables were simply connected with plugs on each end. I'd actually expect to see someone market replacement cables for that controller, since it's a whopping 6 screws with a regular screwdriver and you can just pop the plug off the board. What I'm much more interested in is how long it will take someone to attempt to desolder the memory module off the mainboard, and see if they can trick the system into loading other roms. If the processor on that board is a proper replication of the original, this might actually be one of the best solutions for a true replacement system. If it's a true dedicated replacement, it shouldn't suffer from some of the emulator quirks.
You wish! It's just a crappy ARM SOC running *nix.
Now for $59.99 and not having to get your hands dirty, sure.
But $250+ !?
It's a freakin Allwinner SOC that boots Linux and literally uses the same roms you find on pirating websites. Nintendo literally went on pirating websites to get the games for this thing.

Do you have any sources for this claim?
I think the idea of the cable being so short is that it works with the Wii, you would plug it into the wireless Wii controller. What they should have done is ship this thing with an extension cable for each controller. But of course they make more money if they sell it separate...

Nintendo has an interesting market though, they can just keep releasing these old games and make money off them because of us 90's kids wanting to get a taste of nostalgia. I mean, I could see myself buy it, even though I know I can easily just setup an emulator. I've already bought some of the classic Mario games on the virtual console though, so that's good enough for me. I like the classic controllers though... I hope they make some SNES ones too eventually.

My biggest complaint though is I really feel if they wanted to truly appeal to the nostalgic market, they should have actually made it the same size as the original NES, even if it's just mostly empty space inside, it would actually open up doors to the modding community, you could maybe stuff the internals of a Wii in it or something. Would be cool if it was actually designed with that in mind.
With emulators I can play all NES games off any PC, including RaspberryPI, and take less storage than the Facebook APP from the Windows 10 store. I also have save states, so I can save where I left off. For what would take you 10 minutes of your time to learn and setup. Especially if you use something like RetroArch, which makes it simple to organize and play your Retro games.

We are on [H], most of us probably could easily do exactly what you say in 10 minutes....but this product isn't just for us. I'm having a hard time understanding why that doesn't click. The demograph for this product is wide reaching, and they made it super accessible. Of course I see the value in the Pi method, that's a great rainy day weekend project with my 8 year old daughter and I to do, but I also know right now she probably prefers the simplicity sometimes of something that just turns on.

This unit does have save states by the way.
LOL, yeah ok. I'm defensive because you want to go ballistic over people being able to play some games for $50.

Not everyone knows retro gaming has been a "thing". Yes, people on hardforum know, we are not the majority of the population. Yes, you're stuck in your little bubble where you assume people either simply just know this shit, or shouldn't bother. Whether you like it or not, there are people interested in it who give zero fucks about how to do it simply because they don't care. I'd hate to see what happens when you go to a store and see someone buying a computer instead of building one. Do you start frothing at the mouth about how much of a poser they are and repeatedly tell them that if they'd just build it they could save money? Afterall, they have ZERO interest in computing if they aren't willing to put it together themselves.

I never said you couldn't share your opinion. There is however a difference between sharing an opinion and just repeatedly complaining about something for no damned reason at all.

Look, I am sorry. Got a foul moth.

On the other hand I am pretty sure I explained myself pretty clearly. Never said or done any of the things your mind is projecting of me. Think you'd be better off spending all that power doing something else.
Why do you care so much what others do with their money? You are the true poser thinking that everyone should know everything that is out. Please keep your opinion to yourself, because it is literally worth less than all the illegal roms you suggest using.

If you weren't a poser you would send Nintendo a letter with all your real information telling them you are using illegal roms, so they can sue the crap out of you.

You're the ones talking about money. I think 60 dollars is a little inflated by got nothing against it really. Can't blame me for mocking people falling for marketing schemes. I am sure many are laughing at my choices. That keeps me awake most nights you know
Why do you care so much what others do with their money? You are the true poser thinking that everyone should know everything that is out. Please keep your opinion to yourself, because it is literally worth less than all the illegal roms you suggest using.
You're the ones talking about money. I think 60 dollars is a little inflated by got nothing against it really. Can't blame me for mocking people falling for marketing schemes. I am sure many are laughing at my choices. That keeps me awake most nights you know

I'm not the one talking about money. don't generalize me since I was talking straight you. Sorry, if you don't like being called out.
Look, I am sorry. Got a foul moth.

On the other hand I am pretty sure I explained myself pretty clearly. Never said or done any of the things your mind is projecting of me. Think you'd be better off spending all that power doing something else.
Yes, because it takes so much effort to type out a paragraph or two...

And you've been doing exactly what I claimed you've been doing, multiple times in this thread. You have knowledge about something that the general public might have a passing interest in(retro gaming), and assume that everyone else is just as aware of it(emulation) or should just never bother because they aren't worthy. It isn't much of a stretch at all to assume that if you're willing to post this kind of crap over an NES mini, that you'd flip out over people spending thousands of their own dollars on a PC instead of building it themselves, since they're just "posers". If you don't like people making assumptions about some ridiculous nonsense that you supposedly don't do, then don't post ridiculous nonsense like you've been doing this entire time.
Typical of Nintendo to not have many of these on release date to sell.. contributing to the gorging of these things going upwards of $300 on ebay..
shit.. might as well grab an original NES for less than that
If this is just a turnkey emulator, how is the lag? Reason I stopped using emulators for Nintendo is most games are fast-twitch and lag is the devil. For example, trying to fight Mike Tyson with lag is rage inducing when I still have the muscle memory from the 80s. For RPGs, doesn't really matter.
It's a freakin Allwinner SOC that boots Linux and literally uses the same roms you find on pirating websites. Nintendo literally went on pirating websites to get the games for this thing. WTF even? You could do this on your PC. For $8 you can even get the controller to get the same feeling.


I've seen that there's a few people who reflash the Ouya with emulators, load up a ton of ROMs, and actually get $400-500 for it on eBay. Nuts.
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.8m cable cord for the controller? this is a huge let down for me. Anyways yes they most be making lots of profit out of it. It looks really really simple design with very few components. The whole BOM should be below 20 usd.
I wish it had a memory card slot.

An N64 v2.0 would sell better than the Switch. No need to reinvent the wheel constantly. They should re-release old consoles on a rotating schedule.
People are so fake.

Emulators have been a thing for what, 20 years now? Anyone actually interested in the system and games could've easily satisfied their thirst. This thing offers nothing but some "look at me, I am a cool nerd". No, you're a fucking tool.
Some of us just want something simple, you know plug and play. I don't want to have to spend hours setting up some Linux on some funky hardware and then try and find legit ROMs without hitting virus ridden pirate sites, just to spend hours trying to configure them.
No thanks my time is worth more than 60$ and maybe another 20-40 for wireless controllers or extension cords.
Give me a freaking break, I don't think "we" are the nerd tools...i think you should look in the mirror. ;) - so please go back to your parents basement an ROM it up.
Some of us just want something simple, you know plug and play. I don't want to have to spend hours setting up some Linux on some funky hardware and then try and find legit ROMs without hitting virus ridden pirate sites, just to spend hours trying to configure them.
No thanks my time is worth more than 60$ and maybe another 20-40 for wireless controllers or extension cords.
Give me a freaking break, I don't think "we" are the nerd tools...i think you should look in the mirror. ;) - so please go back to your parents basement an ROM it up.

Unless you dumped them yourself, no NES roms are legit. So why even being up trying to find legit roms on the internet ? Derp..
Unless you dumped them yourself, no NES roms are legit. So why even being up trying to find legit roms on the internet ? Derp..
I have no interest in dumping ROMs, or building my own emulator; hence when supply returns to normal and there is no more price gouging, I will pick one up.
With emulators I can play all NES games off any PC, including RaspberryPI, and take less storage than the Facebook APP from the Windows 10 store. I also have save states, so I can save where I left off. For what would take you 10 minutes of your time to learn and setup. Especially if you use something like RetroArch, which makes it simple to organize and play your Retro games.

I will never play old games when there's a decent emulator on PC. It's actually easier to play and setup than physical and save states are teh bomb.

Besides I really have no idea why anybody can say emulators are hard for the masses, download the app + ROMs + configure keybinds = play the game, geez that's really is some hard rocket science shit.
I will never play old games when there's a decent emulator on PC. It's actually easier to play and setup than physical and save states are teh bomb.

Besides I really have no idea why anybody can say emulators are hard for the masses, download the app + ROMs + configure keybinds = play the game, geez that's really is some hard rocket science shit.
"configure keybinds"

The general public barely understands how to turn their computers on sometimes, and you think they understand what "keybind" means? You're also forgetting just what it is people will be downloading this app and roms to(assuming they can even find the things), and then be stuck playing on that because again the general public does not always understand that a computer can be connected to a TV(and they don't always have a spare old box laying around to do it, or want to leave an old desktop/laptop/tablet connected to a TV in the living room).

Easier to setup? No. The mini NES thing plugs in via HDMI, USB for power, and you connect the controller. The general public can handle that.
Go to 40 minutes 15 seconds.

Do I need to watch more then 10 seconds? Or is the proof that Nintendo is using "roms" it downloaded from the Internet as opposed to using the actual source code they legally own because a freelance writer said you can do it? I don't want to make false accusations.