Nero Burning Alternative?


Limp Gawd
Oct 1, 2005
Recently, Nero Burning ROM has begun to get on my nerves so im looking to replace it with somethign similar that I can use to burn stuff to all types of media (cd's and dvd's). Price isnt really an issue, so which one would you recommend? I've been looking at Roxio, any thought? Thanks.
What is it you don't like about Nero? I'm asking because most people who try the other crap, like Roxio, etc end up coming back to Nero....or going to Nero and staying with it.

Also, if you are using version 7, go back to 6. 6 has pretty much all the same features, without the bloat.
i was JUST about to ask teh same question thank u.

i'm also tired and bored with Nero.

What about Easy CD Creator?
Easy CD is aweful!
Stick with Nero, preferably 6.6 since I have had nothing but trouble with 7.

Just my opinion, but on all my computers I have nero 6.6.

debaucher said:
Easy CD is aweful!
Stick with Nero, preferably 6.6 since I have had nothing but trouble with 7.

Just my opinion, but on all my computers I have nero 6.6.

Actually, I have 6.6 and I love it much more than 7, but the only reason why i'm hesitating to install Nero 6 after my format is unlike 7, i have to enter a bunch of like 6 or 7 serial numbers after I've installed it to enable all the bells and whistles. kinda tyring if u format alot like :(
Set up a fresh disk image with a clean windows install and all the apps you use regularly so you can just toss that on every time you format and save yourself all the trouble.
MaXimus said:
Actually, I have 6.6 and I love it much more than 7, but the only reason why i'm hesitating to install Nero 6 after my format is unlike 7, i have to enter a bunch of like 6 or 7 serial numbers after I've installed it to enable all the bells and whistles. kinda tyring if u format alot like :(
What I would do is create a notepad with all the serials you need for nero, then just cut&paste when you reinstall/format

I use DeepBurner just because it's free, but I haven't had any problems with it.
Thrash said:
Set up a fresh disk image with a clean windows install and all the apps you use regularly so you can just toss that on every time you format and save yourself all the trouble.
That's exactly what I was thinking. Saves you time...lots of time.
I also use Nero and haven't had any complaints, but the "ultra" version is a bit bloated. Roxio is fine but not as friendly to use. :)
Thrash said:
Set up a fresh disk image with a clean windows install and all the apps you use regularly so you can just toss that on every time you format and save yourself all the trouble.

can you tell me how can I do that? which program is the best for that task./
debaucher said:
What I would do is create a notepad with all the serials you need for nero, then just cut&paste when you reinstall/format

cutting and pasting 7 serial numbers isn't exactly fast in Nero, you have to wait for a second or two tiill each one is verified by Nero, then only will it appear in the list of serials!

now that's kinda annoying when u still have a 100 others apps u need to install! nero is what bogs me down the most! although i never really used those plugins which the serials provide, like the AAC plugin, or i dunno what's the MPEG-VCD or the MPEG2-DVD plugin for? i have nero videon express which already does that! but i still wouldn't feel good if i didn't add the serials so i have to :(
You might consider Copy-to-DVD by I used to use Nero, but I never liked that you had to open an application to do my burning. CopytoDVD gives you both options, an application UI, and full functionality from right click context menus.

They also offer a free trial, so checking it out is easy.

MaXimus said:
can you tell me how can I do that? which program is the best for that task./
Norton Ghost is the best one I've ever used. You install XP, drivers, apps, etc, and then use the software (in DOS mode hopefully) with something like BartPE to send the image file to another computer, or an external USB drive. Then you make a bootable DVD, stick the image file, and the ghost.exe file on it, and burn. Now you have a restore DVD built just for your PC.
i'm using Nero Premium Edition, seems great so far :)

Nero for teh w!N
PigCorpse said:
I like that.
I just did booted of the CD and made a b ackup of my C: partition (which is 10 GB) in DOS.

1) The backup only took 6 mins on my slow laptop 4200 RPM HDD~~!

2) The 10 GB partition was backup to only 3 GB! I dunno what kind of great mechanism they use in order for them to compress the files that much! :D
It ignored data in your swapfile, may have ignored file fragments, and may have ignored any slackspace, and used a good compression routine to boot.. That's prolly how it got you down to 3 gigs for your backup..
I have used driveimage pro myself for a number of years and love it.. But ghost seems to be a favorite around here...
It ignored data in your swapfile, may have ignored file fragments, and may have ignored any slackspace, and used a good compression routine to boot.. That's prolly how it got you down to 3 gigs for your backup..
I have used driveimage pro myself for a number of years and love it.. But ghost seems to be a favorite around here...
ah ok now it makes more sense :D