need video editing advice


Nov 11, 2006
here's what i want to do.

my friends birthday is coming up.
i want to take an audio track and then add video to it. like bits and pieces of video that i will slice up and add throught as the song plays.

sorta like on tv when they do those "year in review" shows or when they highlight someone's life showing the best/worst and they use like one song as they show clips and pieces and photos.

i did not make this video, but this ---> is a perfect example of what i want to do. except i want to add video clips (remove the sound in some of them) and pictures also. and i think half way through the video i want to pause the sound and let some video clips play, and then resume playback of sound as i show pictures.

what video program will allow me to do that.
want to alter the video output resolution too.
and save into popular formats (avi, mpeg, etc)

this is for pc running windows xp.