Need troubleshooting advice..


Sep 3, 2005
Build is:

AMD x64 x2 Dual-Core 6000 Processor
ASUS M2V-MX SE Motherboard
2x1GB Ballistix PC6400 CL4 DDR2
80 GB SATA 7200 RPM

Some background information:

Built this computer myself. Have never had a problem with the computer. All the cards are seated properly, and the cables are connected properly. 450w powersupply. Main display is a 19' CRT. Also have a TV hooked up to the graphics card via SVIDEO adaptor.

Problem: When I turn my computer on my computer boots fine, but there monitor says "No Signal".

This happened once before, when I moved into my new apartment. I went to hook up the computer for the first time after the move, same thing happens. At the time, all that was plugged in was teh 19' CRT. Once I unpacked my TV, and plugged my Svideo cord into my television and the graphics card, the computer booted up and havent had a problem since. I guess it happen because it was the last known configuration before it was powered down?

Currently.. I have tried multiple different setups, using no SVIDEO TV hookedup, hooking the monitor up to the other DVI port, switching DVI adapters to make sure it isn't broken, everything. Every instinct I have is telling me that the video card is to blame here and that it is nothing to do with the motherboard or any other parts....

Any troubleshooting ideas / advice greatly appreciated.
If your monitor lets you pick which input it uses than verify that it is set to the one you have connected. If you don't get anything than try other port on the card. If a port goes out it would usually be just one. Trying the monitor on another source like a laptop or another computer is also a good test. Ports on monitors go out as well.
I tried hooking the monitor up on both DVI ports, no success. I took my computer into the basement and tried another monitor, no success.

Last time when I was having the same issue, another monitor did not work either. All it took last time was for me to hook up the SVIDEO cord to the TV and it booted fine. This time, that doesn't seem to work.

I unfortunately do not have another PCI-e video card to pop into the system, so I cannot check that. This really sucks...... I have no clue what the issue is.
Try using the VGA port. You may have to use a DVI- VGA converter. Also, make sure your refresh rate is set properly and that it is compatible with the monitor.

Have you tried booting in safe mode and does show the POST info when you boot up?
Shows nothing, says "No Signal". All 3 NumLock CapsLock Scroll flash and numlock is on, sounds like the computer is booting, nothing is showing though.

I check the monitor and the TV for any type of signal, nothing.

I have an old monitor, so my monitor is hooked up using the VGA DVI converter.