Need to teach your kids about your job? Meet "Peter Packet"

Probably only about 1% of the people in this forum know what sex is. That would account for the lack of responses.
I don't tell my kids I am a Network Administrator, I just tell them that I clean toilets. It is less demeaning this way.
Probably only about 1% of the people in this forum know what sex is. That would account for the lack of responses.
Or it's not a link worth clicking and going through. Yeah, I'd go with that instead of making a brash generalization about people you do not know.

ianshot said:
I don't tell my kids I am a Network Administrator, I just tell them that I clean toilets. It is less demeaning this way.
Yesterday someone asked me what I do and he knows absolutely nothing about networking... basically computers in general. Trying to explain my job in layman's terms was a daunting task. Sometimes I just make up jobs when people ask me what I do so they don't just look at me with a blank stare.
Or it's not a link worth clicking and going through. Yeah, I'd go with that instead of making a brash generalization about people you do not know.

Yesterday someone asked me what I do and he knows absolutely nothing about networking... basically computers in general. Trying to explain my job in layman's terms was a daunting task. Sometimes I just make up jobs when people ask me what I do so they don't just look at me with a blank stare.

I just tell them "I'm the one running around fixing the shit your kind keeps fucking up".
I can't believe I played all 3 "countries" during work hahaha. Shows how slow Christmas Eve day was. I was playing it and my coworkers were like WTF is that noise on the "router" levels. Hahaha. Damn routes kept breaking and they'd have to "repave" them. I almost lost that level. Someone at Cisco had too much time on their hands haha.
I just tell them "I'm the one running around fixing the shit your kind keeps fucking up".
Haha I give you much credit. I don't think I could ever do any type of help desk support.
I don't tell my kids I am a Network Administrator, I just tell them that I clean toilets. It is less demeaning this way.
Screw that, I'm proud of what I do because I do a damn good job at it. My daughter boasts about how her daddy "fixes computers for the city", and is constantly volunteering me to fix other people's computers....

...on second thought, maybe I should lie.
haha that is funny, yea somebody had too much time on there hands....
I guess this would be a good way to help a kid understand some of the networking terms and stuff.
I like how the "cisco router" has to come save the day to the old aging router.
I would say that I'm a "lolcat engineer" (ensuring that people can get to their lolcats). Or alternatively I would say that I ensure that their "internets tube is available" so that they can surf their facebook accounts.

ahahaha... this is good. I think I am going to start using this. You my friend, are a genius.